Chapter 3 - The first day back

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We meet up with Ned and MJ before we went anywhere near the high school, they seemed to be have been caught up in all this as well. Even a block away from the main building I could hear people cheering, yelling and screaming. My eyes squeezed shut out of reflex. I hadn't even clocked that I had stilled in my advances until I felt a hand tangle with mine. My eyes pealed back open to see Peter gently pull on my hand to start walking again.

My lips parted at the sight that awaited us, crowds of people were holding up signs in protest or support. Multiple news anchors with their cameras were reporting on the chaos. The only thing that seperated the people from us were the flimsy little fences parting the sea of people and creating a path for us to walk down.

My eyes focused on one sign in particular out of every other one. A lady with a T-shirt that read 'murderers' on it was hoisting her sign in the air. The words splayed on it in bright red halted my feet and made tears tickle my eyes. Her sign read, 'Bring back the Salem witch trials!' My blood went cold, people really did want me dead. The lady seemed to catch on to me staring at her causing her gaze to lock onto mine. I gulped down the lump in my throat, Peter's hand slipping from mine as she glared at me. My body started to tremble all I wanted to do was run and hide.

Peter had obviously noticed my absence at his side and doubled back to me. I pried my eyes off of the woman and looked at him instead, a much nicer sight to take in. His eyes scanned mine before he glanced off to where I had been focusing. His jaw clenched and his eyes hardened slightly, a look I don't think I've ever seen on him. But as soon as he looked back to me all his anger vanished. Gently resting his hand onto the side of my head he brought my temple to his lips.

"It's okay." He muttered into my skin. I nodded carefully, my eyes slipping closed as I tried to contain myself. "Come on." He whispered, pulling away and reattaching our hands together. We started walking again, the crowds shouting only getting louder the closer we got to the doors.

"Y/n! Y/n, we love you." A random man shouted at me. At least he was shouting something positive. "Are you gonna have his spider-babies?" He yelled opening his jacket to reveal his blue t-shirts with a printout of my face on it. His comment made me clutch at Peter's hand tighter. I honestly could never imagine myself with kids. What if they turned out like me, I could never do that to a child even if it was unintentional. I could only imagine what my abilities and Peter's combined would do to a kids mental health.

When we reached the steps we were met by security with metal detector wands. They held there are out, stopping Peter in his tracks. They traveled the wand down his front and once satisfied let him through, quickly placing the wand between us. My eyed widened, dreading being separated from Peter.

"Go, go, go, go." The other lady told Peter waving him up the steps.

"Wait, but-"

"No, go." The lady interrupted Peter muttering. I gulped as the lady with the wand started to scan my body.

"I love you, I'll see you inside, okay?" Peter submitted to their commands, knowing there was nothing he could do. I barely nodded at him in response, trying to keep my breathing steady. He walked backwards up the stairs, eyes never leaving mine. But he eventually had to spin around, disappearing through the main door and into the school building.

"This way please." The second lady said as the first seemed to be satisfied that I wasn't carrying anything dangerous. The second security guard lead me to the side, not to the main door making my limbs start to tremble. They didn't want me dead too, did they?

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