Chapter 6 - Not real

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We followed Christine in a frantic sprint through the facility. I have no idea where we had been, she seemed to just be leading us in one large circle but eventually we came to a white metal staircase. I knew better than to ask where we were and just continued to blindly follow the woman I met mere hours ago down into what looked like maintenance tunnels. We continued to make our way down, I glanced back every few seconds checking if Wanda was still on our tail. It was evident by the ominous red glow that accompanied the hall we'd just come from.

"Where does that tunnel go?" Strange asked, nodding his head towards the circular tunnel that Christine was most likely going to get us to run down.

"Under the river." She explained, beginning to run once more. I turned on my heel and made sure the heavy metal door sealed behind us securely before running to catch up with the others.

A loud crash had me reeling to a stop though. I turned my attention back to the door. Red magic gripping each door, prying them open to reveal an oil stained Wanda on the other side, hand extended and eyes glowing.

"Move." I demeaned quietly, eyeing down my sister.

"Go! Go, go, go, go!" Strange yelled, his panicked voice echoing around the tunnel ahead of us. I turned on my heel and caught up with the group once again, ignoring the crash and the sound of fluttering paper behind us.

We made it into the tunnel finally. Water sloshing against my boot as we ran. I watched as Christine jumped slightly to slam her hand on the button attached to the wall. The doors behind us began to slide down. I spun around and helped it out by latching onto the door with my magic and shoving it down so it closed faster. It didn't appear to be much use though as seconds later the crushing of metal caught my attention while we continued to sprint forwards.

Christine tried for another button, closing the door behind us and I repeated the same trick. She burst through that one as well. The doors were barely of any use. I continued to follow after the group, weaving through the zig-zag-like tunnel system. Christine took a sudden left and slammed her hand against another button against the wall once we were all clear of the door.

All of us were panting from the run, but I still whipped around and slammed the door down as quickly as I could. Wanda was on the other side of it. I could feel it. The three stopped, leaving me puzzled. I turned to face the door nonetheless and lit up my eyes just in case. The insentient dripping of water while we waited for something to happen was enough to set all my nerves on fire. Time seemed to slow. There was no evidence we were ever being chased.

"Where did she go?" America whispered. I narrowed my eyes at the door in front of us.

"She's still here." I confirmed, scanning with my eyes.

All of a sudden Wanda shifted to the side already on our side of the door. A scream erupted from America's lungs as Wanda panted and limped towards us slowly.

"I warned you." She threatened, directing it at me specifically which felt like a knife to the heart.

"Other Wanda, if you're in there, hold your breath." Strange warned her before spinning his hands around that began to glow orange with sorcery.

My eyes widened as the roof above Wanda's heads began to glow orange in between the cracks in the bricks. I shot Strange a look while I turned around and used my own magic to lift the heavy door blocking our way forward up to the ceiling. We all ran through the door just as the water rushed past my boots. I stopped to slam the door back down.

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