7a. ➝ Chapter 1 - The zombie apocalypse!!

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Meanwhile in another universe.

(Third person)

"Like too many great catastrophes, this one sprang from a place of love, and hope." Uatu The Watcher began. "Two weeks earlier, Dr. Hank Pym journeyed into the quantum realm, searching for his long-lost wife. But in this universe, Janet Van Dyne contracted a quantum virus that corrupted her brain. So when she finally reunited with her husband after 30 long years..."

Once Hank landed semi-safely on a solid surface in the quantum realm he ventured out of his pod. He followed the becon to where his wife was supposed to be. When he finally lay eyes on her he knew something wasn't right. She was standing her legs and arms bent in odd ways, that's not how a healthy human stands. She slowly reached up and plucked the old wasp helmet off of her face. The sight horrified Hank to his very core, she looked like she was rotting... Before he could even think to move she pounced at him, sinking her teeth into his skin viciously.

"Oof, that happened." Uata said as the flashback faded away. "Alas, Hope Van Dyne's long-awaited family reunion was not to be."

"Mom?" Hope whispered out as she stepped towards the pod that had crashed in front of her and Scott moments ago. She brought her hand up and wiped the foggy glass to try and get a look inside.

"Hi, Miss Van Dyne." Scott chimed behind her. The pod then came to life, popping open with a smooth puff sound. A now zombified Hank Pym growled at his daughter before making a leap for her. She gasped and quickly shrunk herself and flew upwards. Scott wasn't so lucky.

Hank landed on him biting into his flesh, Janet flinging herself out of the pod and onto Scott as well.

"Within 24 hours, the entire Pacific Northwest was infected. Ironically, it was the Avengers' heroism that sealed humanity's fate."

The Avengers Quinjet elegantly landed on the Golden Gate Bridge. The hatch opened revealing the team sent to neutralize the threat. Clint, Natasha, Tony, T'Challa and Cap at the head of the group descended the ramp.

"On my mark." Cap called out to his fellow Avengers. "Ow!" Cap yelled out before slapping at his neck, something or someone had just bit into him. Hank grew to his normal size tackling the captain to the ground. One by one the rest of the avengers were beaten and biten.

"Because once Earth's mightiest heroes joined the infected, no one else stood a chance. Unless of course you knew the rules."


'So you wanna survive the zombie apocalypse.' read Peter's homemade sign. He then brought a paper zombie taped to a popsicle stick across the screen making growling zombie noises as it went.

"New York! Home to the Mets, the Chrysler Building, those ladies from Sex and the City, and now, the zombie apocalypse." Peter yelled whipping the camera around from the gorgeous view of New York to the gorgeous view that was him. "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. But first, you have to not get eaten."

The screen switched now showing off Happy, who didn't look all too happy, in a shirt that said, 'I'm not single, I'm saving myself for Thor.' In popped two sign, one saying 'Happy, never actually happy, Hogan.' and the other saying 'Skills: driving, coffee, boxing.'

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