wtf, since when are you married?

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Dazai was happily ignoring the stack of paperwork on his desk, when his partner walked into the common office room, carrying a huge stack of files. Atsushi, being the helpful weretiger he is, immediately stood up to take some of the files off Kunikida's hands. The two of them then went ahead to put down all the files on the blonde man's desk.

Kunikida looked around the room to check if everyone was working like they were supposed to. Of course, Dazai was slacking off, doodling on the back side of one of the official forms, humming his funny made-up suicide song. 

Kunikida, of course, rushed over to yell at him, "Dazai! Get to work, right now. You're going to mess up my schedule again."

Before Dazai could say anything, Doctor Yosano walked past them, rolling her eyes, "Kunikida-san, you know he's a lost cause. You always say that, and yet he always ruins your schedules. Just let him be."

Dazai looked up at his partner and smirked, "Yes, Kunkida-san. Yosano knows me so well; I'm touched!"

Ranpo commented from across the room, munching on some weird kind of chips again, "You're not that hard to figure out, you know, Dazai."

Dazai turned around his swivel and raised his eyebrows at the agency's main detective, "Not everyone has your ultra-deduction skills, you know. I'm a mystery. There's so much you don't know about me."

Kenji, the adorable resident farmer, asked with wide eyes, "Really, Dazai-san? What don't we know?"

Dazai pretended to mull the question over in his head for a few seconds before answering, "Well, for one, none of you could figure out I used to work for the Port Mafia. And that's including you, Ranpo-san."

Ranpo quite efficiently ignored that sentence, while Atsushi mused, "I still can't believe you used to be with the Port Mafia. You really don't seem the type to ruthlessly kill."

Dazai just shrugged, but mentally, he was skimming through all the occasions on which he had, in fact, ruthlessly killed people. Little did Atsushi-kun know about his past and his true feelings. The weretiger was new, but that had nothing to do with his strong faith in Dazai. He strongly believed that Dazai was a good, noble person. Dazai would never describe himself as noble; but Atsushi would. It warmed Dazai's heart sometimes, really, but it also showed how naïve Atsushi actually was. Or maybe, he just has a different way of looking at things. 

Dazai was jerked out of his thoughts when Kunikida sighed exaggeratedly, "Stop the chit-chat already. I don't have time for this today. We have a lot to do."

Sounds of complaints broke out throughout the room, but everyone turned around their chairs to go back to work anyway. Atsushi however asked cautiously, "Kunikida-san? Didn't you say you had an announcement to make?"

Kunikida snapped his fingers, "Right! That's what I was forgetting! Thank you, Atsushi-kun. Yes, the announcement. President Fukazawa has requested us to update the employee files today. Lot of our employee data hasn't been updated in a while, so we are required to do that too."

Everyone just made a sound of acknowledgement before turning back to their desks. Kunikida however, after going through his notes, spoke again, "Right, and one of the most important fields for the employee records to update today is marital status. Now, I know some of you have already filled the marital status field in the files, but we need your spouse to come in and sign a few papers. You know, emergency contacts and such. We'll need to inform them if something happens to any of you during missions."

Yosano scoffed loudly, "Really, Kunikida-san? Which one of us looks married to you?"

Kunikida scratched his head, "Well, none really, but it's still a requirement. Alright, get back to work. I'll be at my desk going through your records if you have any questions."

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