seven years in heaven

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Day 7 of Soukoku Valentine's Week 2022: Kiss Day

A/N: that's it folks, the week from hell is over


It was amazing how connections between people evolved over time.

Upon meeting a new person, unless one is equipped with a relevant ability, there was no way of knowing how that person would matter to them in a few years. It was perfectly possible to meet someone in the unlikeliest situation, fully expecting to never have anything to do with them ever again.

But then, space and time works its magic in different ways, and over time, connections build between the two people. They are bound not only by their feelings towards one another, but also their memories.

That disgusting shit aside, Dazai was actually amazed by how drastically things had changed between him and his partner in the seven years they have known each other. Known very well to them, they had a rather unconventional meeting.

Chuuya had kicked Dazai into a wall, after which they had insulted the fuck out of each other. Dazai had fully been expecting to part ways then and there, hopefully never having to see the boy he dubbed as an 'annoying brat' ever again.

Things hadn't worked out like that at all. By the end of that day, they both had joined the same organisation. Dazai had been left with a broken heart, a short stack as a partner, and a very annoying, unforeseen infatuation with said partner.

For all jokes and other purposes, it was piqued interest at first sight.

Even so, Dazai hadn't expected to have Chuuya in his life for so long. Sure, they had started off as work partners who claimed to hate each other. He'd expected their dynamic to fizzle out soon enough. But that hadn't happened either, and instead, Dazai found himself making memories with this person he's called his partner since the very first day.

Over the years, they've had a lot of things going on for them. Memories of all sorts, for one. Rough missions, awkwardly sweet moments between them, and both of them struggling with their inner demons. But other than that, there have been hugs and laughter and genuine happiness. 

And kisses.

Oh gosh, there have been so many kisses.


At fifteen,

Dazai has never had any relationships. Obviously. What fifteen year old in the mafia has romantic relationships? 

Hence, he was rather inexperienced, to say the least. It was safe to assume that he's never had a first kiss or anything of that sort before. But nevertheless, his first kiss was with Chuuya, who would happen to be his first ever romantic partner a few minutes later.

The whole experience was rather comical.

Lately, over the past few weeks, Dazai has found himself in a serious dilemma. His brain was infected with some kind of virus or something! There was no other plausible explanation as to why he found himself thinking about that annoying brat of his partner so very often.

It was absolutely ridiculous. Moreover, there was definitely something wrong with his body too. For example, the previous day, Chuuya had smacked him in the arm like he usually does. But suddenly, Dazai's stomach felt weird when he did so? It felt something similar to how one would feel if slugs were to crawl within their stomach.

It was very gross. Plus, his face felt hot quite a lot too; especially when he was around Chuuya. And he always seemed to flitter with nervous energy. All of this was just weird, and Dazai was convinced there was something wrong with him.

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