talking to strangers (about you)

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A/N- We going back to the classics with this one (this is so og sofia works coded help)
           Title from Talking to Strangers by Maisie Peters!

Initially, it did come as a shock. The fact that Dazai used to be in Port Mafia, that is. The Agency members had definitely been taken aback, Kunikida had somehow been the last one to know; it had been a confusing time. Like, how could Kunikida just not know something about one of his co-workers? 

Still, it was accepted all too quickly. Sure, Dazai was a member of the Mafia, one of the revered executives, in fact. But he had long since changed his ways and was a proper member of the Agency now. He definitely belonged to the world of light, and was one of them. So, his past didn't matter and although questionable, it was acceptable.

However, what all of them couldn't entirely accept was how Dazai kept talking about one rather oddly specific individual at all times. And no, "all times" was not an exaggeration. For someone with who Dazai has supposedly been estranged from, for at least the last four years, it was insane how much he talk about that man.

That mean being Nakahara Chuuya, apparently. Now, first things first. Who didn't know Nakahara Chuuya? Anybody with even the most remote knowledge of Yokohama's Underworld would know exactly who he was. Ability user A5158 to the government, and known as the infamous gravity manipulator to everyone else; Chuuya was famous alright!

Or perhaps, infamous was the word for it.

But no matter; the point was, obviously everyone knew who he was. But the Agency members had a feeling that only they were, for some unfortunate reason, privy to details of his personality. The reason of that being their co-worker, of course.

No matter what the conversation was about or what the situation was about, Dazai would easily find a way to make it about Chuuya in some way or the other. Like yes, it was known that the Agency's genius was a rather skilled person, but such skills were unnecessary, weren't they?!

Naturally, it would be left to everyone else to wonder as to why this was the case. Why did Dazai talk about his former partner and rival so constantly? Hasn't it been ridiculous from the very start?

Okay, cuing five instances of such sheer peculiarity now.


1. "chuuya would never take a train" -dazai, august

The Agency had finally gotten a normal client; someone that didn't belong to any other destructive world organisation that had a bone to pick with them and/or wanted their help to save the world yet again. Yes, they were the guardians of Yokohama in the Twilight, but after a year of dealing with too many organisations at once, it gets a little old.

But never mind all that! They finally had a normal client who had a normal job for them. Hence for the sake of this particular job they had taken on, a few of the Agency members had been dispatched to Kyoto. Namely, Kunikida, Atsushi and Dazai. 

The most effective method of transportation was unilaterally decided to be by taking the shinkansen. Which is exactly what they were doing, when Dazai started on yet another one of his tirades. The trigger was this one statement,

Atsushi commented, staring out of the window in awe, "The shinkansen really is fast. I'd things about it but to think it was actually so fast? Technology is amazing, isn't it?"

Kunikida couldn't help but chuckle briefly, "This is your first time on a bullet train, huh?"

Dazai interjected, "Eh, but Chuuya would be faster!"

His co-workers took two seconds to exchange glances before simultaneously expressing their dread and confusion, "What?"

Dazai nodded all too seriously, "It's true! Chuuya would travel much faster. See, you know he has a bike, don't you? And with his gravity manipulation abilities, he can totally make it go faster than this shinkansen. I've seen it!"

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