seven drink chuuya

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Ah, lazy late nights were truly the best.

The nights where he had absolutely no missions to complete or meetings to attend, and he was in no hurry to get home because his partner would be gone too; those were definitely one of Chuuya's favourite kind of nights. As for the other kind, those happened to be lazy nights at home, with his partner. But that wasn't too important.

Despite being an Executive in the Mafia, Chuuya had a fairly good relationship with his subordinates and other colleagues. Of course, he was on very good terms with the Boss, as well as most of the other executives. Kouyou, another of one of the five executives, was practically an older sister to him. As for Ace... He was uh, strange, even for someone in the Mafia.

Other than the Executives, Chuuya was also friends with a lot of the other mafiosos. For example, he's known Hirotsu for years, and by extension, he also knows the other two of Black Lizard now. He spoke to Higuchi often enough as well; she was a very capable mafioso. But no, the best part about his work relationships happened to be the occasional meals with Kajii and Akutagawa.

Every once in a while, the three of them would go out to grab a meal. Most of these would be around dinner time, so alcohol was obviously to be involved as well. At this point, everyone pretty much knew how much of a lightweight their superior actually was. He couldn't hold even half a pint of liquor if he tried, in all honesty.

The meals with this particular trio went the same way every time. Chuuya, being the great food connoisseur he was, usually ordered for all them. Kajii experimented a bunch with the food, leading to Chuuya yelling his hat off at him, in attempts to get the self-proclaimed 'scientist' to not poison their meals. On the other hand, Akutagawa usually did not care what he was eating. Something about food just being a means to obtain nutrition? Chuuya called bullshit.

Anyway, Kajii and Akutagawa went out with their executive often enough to have a semi-spoken agreement. They must stop Chuuya from drinking after the second glass at all costs. The first glass was slightly amusing; he'd be slightly buzzed and laugh at pretty much everything. The second glass was a little more annoying, since Chuuya would start venting about their former executive and current traitor, none other than Dazai Osamu. 

After that, their present executive was just a pain in the ass to deal with. This one time, they had accidentally let Chuuya drink four whole glasses of whine. The executive had completely passed out, and since neither of the other two knew his address, they ended up dragging him back to the Mafia building and dumping him on the couch in his office. At least Chuuya was small enough to be dragged easily. Nobody tell him that though; unless one is after being killed brutally.

Today, there was an unexpected 'incident' at their night-out. Since it was a free night for all three of them, the trio decided to get dinner at a local dine-and-bar nearby. Of course, it was high class enough for a mafia executive. As expected of their Chuuya-san. It wasn't unusual for him to treat his subordinates, but today he muttered something about someone not being home and hence him having more free time? Yeah, neither of the other two were sure what that was about.

But it didn't really matter when they were already seated in a restaurant, hot bowls of ramen in front of them, accompanied by a glass of wine for Chuuya, and a pint of beer for Kajii. Unlike someone, Kajii could handle his liquor pretty well. As usual, Akutagawa wasn't drinking at all. He was more responsible than that; hence why he'd been deemed the 'drinking-session-caretaker' very early on.

Apparently, Chuuya's subordinates were too unfocussed today, considering they completely forgot to keep count of his glasses of wine. They had had a long week too, after all; and they were enjoying themselves. Nothing wrong with that, of course. It just took them a good while to figure out that their executive was completely wasted.

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