inter-department relationship

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Unlike some people, Chuuya genuinely enjoyed doing his job, and working hard at it.

He was a professor at Yokohama University, and his subject was naturally Physics. As a big fanatic of the subject ever since he was a freshman in junior high, it only made sense for him to pursue it further, even after his own university course was done. He genuinely enjoyed teaching too; enjoyed interacting with the students, and imparting his gained knowledge to them.

Besides, Yokohama University was a fun place in general. Chuuya knew that better than anybody else, considering that he was an alumnus of the very same university. The campus was pretty big, and it had different departments for almost all subjects offered as courses. Mostly, a few departments were grouped together and assigned a building in the campus.

As expected, the Physics department was in the same building as the Chemistry and Biology department. Chuuya was on good terms with the teachers from both departments. Actually, Chuuya could stand anyone and everyone as long as it wasn't that annoying Literature professor named Dazai. 

That guy was so annoying! Chuuya could vouch for his 'annoying-ness' personally and vehemently, after having known him for years. Way before they both started teaching, and when they were students at the university themselves, of course.

Dazai was lazy, disgustingly crafty and dubbed as a genius for as long as Chuuya has known him. It was just the image everyone had of him. But personally, Chuuya himself viewed that stinky fish as just that; an annoying, stinky fish who looked like a puppy most of the time.

That paints the picture of a grotesque creature. Yikes.

Anyway, that's not the point. Chuuya was just very done with that lazy bastard, and would very much prefer not to ever see him at his workplace ever again. Who knows what that asshole might tell his precious students if they were to meet?! Their sweet innocence would surely not be spared.

Fortunately for both Chuuya and his students, the Literature department was yards away from the Science Building. Meaning that Dazai Osamu was way, way away from them, where he couldn't influence them with his fishy aura.

Now, everything would be well and good if these peaceful days of the semester were to continue as always. But because the board of head professors of the University clearly had a very personal vendetta against Chuuya, things clearly had to go south.

Chuuya should really have expected such a disaster like this the very moment the board announced 'Bring-Your-Family' to work day for all the professors.

It was apparently an event hosted to fester better relations between various professors and their families. A good opportunity to socialise and to get to know one's co-workers better, as one of the heads put so very eloquently. Moreover, the students would be on campus on that day too, meaning they could also get introduced to their teachers' families.

Really, what was the point of this!

There was no way Chuuya wanted anybody to meet his family, damn it. Especially not his precious, hard-working students?! Why would he ever want such brilliant children to meet his very fishy family! As for the other teachers, why were they so eager to bring their families to work and show them off?! Shouldn't they be more concerned about their privacy or something?

But well, despite Chuuya's many (silent) protests, the day of the event dawned upon Yokohama University on the decided date. The sky was clear and sunny, but it wasn't too hot, and there was even a gentle breeze blowing through the air. It was really the perfect day to bring your families to work. Fucking hell.

The horrifying day at his workplace has already begun, Chuuya noted as his eyes regarded toddlers running around the campus courtyard.

Soon enough, he was approached by several of his co-workers one by one, their spouse standing beside them, and their kids grabbing at their legs and giggling. By the end of the first hour, Chuuya had genuinely lost count of exactly how many times he'd had to introduce himself and shake people's hands.

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