on stormy nights, we cause chaos

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For a change, Dazai was actually at his workplace when disaster struck.

Most members of the Armed Detective Agency were gathered in the common office space when they received the news. The only ones who weren't there were the Tanizaki siblings, who had gone home early. Naomi had some college work to catch up, had been their excuse. Well, at least it was a good thing that they were missing at this point of time.

They found out what was going on when Kenji got an update on his farmer's weather forecast app. Apparently, Yokohama was expecting to be hit by a cyclone that evening. That's when everyone noticed that the darkened skies outside were stormier than usual. It was already nine in the evening, certainly way later than they were used to staying at the office. But they had had an important meeting to conduct, and time had gotten away from them, even with Kunikida's schedule.

The wind was already banging against the windows, howling through the darkened streets of the night. The news programs had clearly issued a cyclone warning. They were also urging the citizens to stay where they were, and find shelter immediately if they were in transit. So, it was an unanimous decision amongst the Agency members to spend the night at the Agency offices itself. After all, the dorms were quite a walk away from the office, and it was rather risky to travel to the dorms in a weather like this.

Of course, because Dazai could never agree with everyone else, he stood up and announced that he did not intend to spend the night at the office, and hence would be leaving to go home immediately. Atsushi tried to stop him, and Yosano seriously advised against it, but as expected, Dazai payed no heed.

With a wave of his hands and a carefree smile, he was out of the door before most of them could comprehend what was going on. It was weird, definitely. Everyone knew that Dazai didn't stay at the dorms, but they actually didn't know where he lived in his daily life. The only one who had access to such information was the President himself, and because this was confidential information, he would never share it unless there was an undeniable emergency.

Well, sue the Agency for being curious about their mystery of a colleague.

Of course, Dazai was fully aware of the discussion around his place of residence. True to his nature, he found it rather funny. There were a lot of guesses on the part of his co-workers; none of them quite right at all. In fact, somebody had even suggested that he lived in a cave underground or something similar! Wasn't that so funny?

Dazai was still laughing about this as he walked towards his home. He had pretty decent luck usually; albeit most of his 'luck' was actually fully planned and predicted events. The same went for today as well. His 'luck' took a dip downwards halfway through his walk back home. As predicted, the clouds above burst to give way to the water rushing down towards the earth.

It took him about ten whole seconds before he was fully drenched. How very irksome. Dazai just sighed out into the now colder night air. He would surely get yelled at for getting completely drenched. He has learned that from experience.

'Teme! Do you want to get a fucking cold and die?' 

He's heard the same lecture countless of times already. And he was smart enough to expect another when he finally got home. But well, that was better than continuing to stay in the rain. So, off he went walking towards his place of residence again.

It took him about ten more minutes to arrive at his doorstep. He was soaked through his skin by now; his bandages and clothes dripping water everywhere. Because he was trying to be a better person and not break into his own shared home, he actually used his keys to unlock the door and walk in.

But the sight before him was not something he had expected at all!

In his living room, the cosy couch seated a red haired man, a hat sitting atop his head. In contrast to his usual three-piece suit, he was dressed in a pair of jeans and a slightly oversized sweater. Of course, he was still wearing his choker. Because he was a dog, Chuuya never took off his collar. Collar, choker; same thing.

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