ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?

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The Armed Detective Agency was used to randomly being thrown in the throes of chaos. It was a more frequent occurrence than one would think, especially for a detective agency. Of course, the ADA was nothing like a normal detective agency. Oh no. Almost all their staff were supernatural ability users. But more importantly, one of their employees happened to be Dazai Osamu.

Dazai was notorious for shirking work, choosing to be a bother to a certain blond co-worker, or to simply lay on the couch and read the same old book about suicide while listening to music. His colleagues were, quite unfortunately, used to his antics by now. They had learnt to expect chaos and trouble.

But probably nothing (except maybe a heads-up beforehand) could  have prepared them from the sheer confusion they felt during the events that proceeded to happen after the 'invitation card incident'.

Kunikida arrived at the office exactly at 9 p.m., just like every other day. He liked to stick exactly to his schedules. He liked knowing what to expect. Of course, his field partner happened to be Dazai, and the former mafia executive prided himself on disrupting his schedules single-handedly.

That day, when the idealist walked into the office, he most definitely wasn't expecting a pretty basket of gorgeous flowers, arranged perfectly. The other members of the Agency were already there, and they were not being subtle about staring at the flower basket on his desk.

To his utmost surprise, Dazai was at his desk, and what the hell, is he actually doing his paperwork?! Is this the beginning of the end of the world? 

Dazai looked up from his work as soon as he heard Kunikida walk, "Kunikida-kun! Lovely morning, isn't it? You've got a flower basket~"

Yosano, who just walked out of the infirmary, leaned on Dazai's desk, "Kunikida-kun, did you finally get a girlfriend or something?"

Kunikida spoke very seriously as he inspected the flower basket, "No, I do not intend to find a potential partner for at least four more years. This thing has two cards."

Everybody had, obviously, gathered around his desk by now. Ranpo said lazily, "Open the smaller one first."

Kunikida blinked at the genius before doing as he'd instructed. He carefully unfolded the tiny card and read aloud, "To: All members of the Armed Detective Agency."

Yosano peeked at it, "Whoa, it's for all of us?"

Atsushi murmured, "I wonder who it's from."

Kunikida checked the back of the card from the name of the sender. On finding nothing, he shook his head, "There's nothing here. That's weird."

Dazai rolled his eyes, "Kunikida-kun, there's literally a huge, fancy card right there. Why don't you read that?"

If Kunikida was surprised or incredulous at Dazai suggesting something useful, he didn't show it. He simply opened the envelope and gingerly pulled out an elaborately decorated card from within. 

Yosano spoke when she got a good look at the card, "It's a wedding invite!"

Kenji clapped from somewhere behind the weretiger, "Oh, weddings! There was one in my village-"

Kyouka nudged him to make him shut up, after which the young boy was quick to apologize for changing the topic. 

Kunikida spoke, "No need to apologize, kid. But who do we know who is possibly getting married?"

Ranpo joked from next to him, "Maybe it's Katai. Maybe he's finally lost it and decided to host an official wedding to marry his futon."

Yosano giggled at the joke, while Dazai whined, "Kunikida-kun! Will you stop dawdling and read the invite already? I'm sure it has the names of the senders on it. And names of whoever is getting married."

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