everybody talks, babe

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For a group of detectives, the Armed Detective Agency was rather oblivious when it came to the personal life of a certain co-worker. There was no doubt that almost everybody who worked in the Agency had their secrets, which usually resulted from their tragic pasts. But despite that, all of them had reformed their lives after joining the Agency. They were happier, content with their lives, and seemingly over their pasts. It was wonderful.

If one were to ask the Agency members, they would say that Dazai Osamu was definitely the most mysterious co-worker they had. It literally took a bunch of detectives two years to figure out his previous job, after all. Actually, they didn't figure it out themselves. Dazai had just decided it was time for them to know and hence had let the cat out of the bag.

His co-workers at the Agency only knew about half of his real personality. They knew he was annoying on purpose, lazy to a fault, and never interested in actually doing the job he was paid for. He was also a genius, for someone so idiotic. He was quite powerful too; he might not have the best martial artist but his tactics were so accurate that it was actually terrifying. Also, he knew his way around picking any lock slapped on him. Although, the Agency didn't know that little fact.

The point is, they knew almost next to nothing about his personal life. He had a room in the Agency dorms to himself, but there was never any sound coming from his room. How is it possible that, Dazai, probably the most annoying person on earth, remained silent all the time? One would at least expect him to constantly sing his double suicide song, right?

Then, the Agency's employee records didn't have much information on his personal life either. Sure, it contained details like his name, age, blood type, date of birth and other trivial things like that. But there was no information on his family, or even his residential address. His records didn't even say that he lived in the dorms. It was all rather suspicious, as Kunikida realized one day. Surely Dazai had been with them long enough for them to know at least something about his family? But no, nobody really knew anything at all.

It was somewhat unfortunate for them, but they soon found about Dazai's only family member. It was in the most unexpected way too. The full thing came into picture over a series of events, actually. 

The day of the first one started out like every other. The employees of the Agency made to work on time, Dazai excluded, of course. He never showed up to work on time, much to his new partner's utter annoyance. They didn't have many cases that day, so of course, they were required to update paperwork on the previous week's cases. Everyone (again, excluding Dazai) was more than happy to do their work in peace. They didn't get calm days very often, after all.

Sometime in the afternoon, when Dazai had finally shown up to work but was ignoring his duties to relax on the couch with a book, the president of the Agency suddenly had an important visitor for an equally important meeting. Naomi and Haruno showed up in the main offices to tell everyone to be quiet.

"President Fukuzawa is in an important meeting right now. He asked me to tell you guys to shut up, to be put frankly," said Naomi. She then proceeded to drape herself over her brother, who was just trying to get his work done.

Haruno nodded to affirm her co-worker's request, "The meeting came up suddenly and from what I can tell, it's really important. 

Tanizaki, a curious one as always, asked, "Oh? Is the meeting with somebody we know?"

His sister shrugged in response, "Yeah, we've seen him once or twice. I don't think any of us knows him personally, or very well, though."

Dazai finally looked up from his book to cheerily speak up, "Wrong! I know the little slug very well!"

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