for everyone but you (because i like you)

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A/N: Happy White Day!!

Chuuya had a feeling that it was some special occasion today.

Nothing of the sort that appeared to be of patriotic importance, but just one of the celebrations that the regular civilians seemed to enjoy to indulge in. There were many reasons that had led to the mafia executive having such suspicions. 

Firstly, the trains and roads were overcrowded today. More so, than usual. Now, Chuuya almost never used public transport; considering he had a perfectly good, pink bike of his own which was perfectly capable of transporting him to work and back. But while driving through the streets on said bike, he couldn't help but notice the immense flux of crowds.

Moreover, every other confectionery shop on the streets were overflowing with people. There were promotional posters stuck to every door, bus stop, lamp post and so on. Not even the occasional tree along the sidewalk was spared from being used as a bulletin board. Besides that, one of the employees at all these stores were assigned to 'standing-outside-and-yelling-for-customers' duty. 

Chuuya has lost count of exactly how many times he's heard the screeching, all too cheerful, "Chocolates on discount! Confectionaries for sale! Get yours today at the low cost of...!" He's lost count already, and really the commute to his workplace from home was merely of fifteen minutes. Strangely enough, none of these people yelled out exactly why there were such delightful sounding discounts. 

Other than all these noticeable things on the roads, there was so much more to pay attention to in his workplace itself. That, obviously being the Port Mafia building. The newer recruits were complaining about the trains being too crowded, and how it was yet another year being all alone today with no surprises to be expected.

The older members were a little more tired, apparently completely used to all this bullshit over the years. They were just glad that there seemed to be fewer missions today, and that they had more time off. Something about the boss being busy with Elise-chan today? Chuuya wasn't really sure what that was about. Not yet, at least.

Besides, some people actually walked in carrying flowers and chocolates, which naturally attracted the envy of their colleagues and such. If all of that wasn't enough, the biggest give away was the way that Higuchi was acting. 

She's been nervously flittering in her seat all morning, running her fingers through her hair all too often, and checking the mirror to ensure her appearance was perfectly way too frequently than normal. It was around post-lunch in the afternoon, that all of it made sense when she finally greeted Akutagawa with a small bag of homemade cookies.

As if to cover up her efforts for her superior, her other friends and colleagues- Tachihara, Gin and old man Hirotsu- got a bag of cookies each as well. All of this had successfully taken place right after a meeting had finished. Basically, it was a meeting that Chuuya had had to conduct with Black Lizard, along with Higuchi and Akutagawa. The other executive, Kouyou had dropped by as well, but it had been rather brief as she dropped off some documents before stepping away. 

Since everyone was getting cookies from the blonde mafioso, she dropped by Chuuya's seat as well. Well, for some reason, didn't she appear way too nervous as compared to her state of mind when she approached the others?

Higuchi held out a cute little pink bag of cookies in both of her palms, bowing down gently, "Um, Chuuya-san. I made cookies yesterday so, if you want... I mean! If you would be kind enough to accept them... Um, that would-" 

Chuuya chuckled as he picked up the bag easily, "Thank you, Higuchi-kun."

Taking the liberty to taste a cookie then and there, he hummed appreciatively, "They're really good! I didn't know you could bake."

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