check the ceiling

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In all his twenty four years of living, today was the day Dazai made the biggest mistake of his life. It was an error so grave, it could potentially cost him everything meaningful in life. Maybe it'd cost him his life as well. 

Look, Dazai Osamu was, by no means, a perfect person. He was incredibly flawed, known as the former Demon Prodigy of the Port Mafia. He had killed hundreds of people, and was also charged with numerous cases of fraud and extortion. But he'd left all of that behind six years ago, when he left the Mafia. All of that was in the past; his friends and family knew of his past crimes, and it was just an accepted fact.

But then, of course, he had to go ahead and ruin all the good things in his life at once. It was just a simple mistake. He hadn't meant to do it. It was completely unintentional, despite the fact that most people would probably not believe if and when he told them.

The circumstances leading up to his error started with an incident common enough. Dazai was going to make dinner for himself and his boyfriend, who he had been with for over six years now. The two of them lived together, and took turns cooking, depending on who got home first. That particular evening, Dazai had gotten home first, and despite being exhausted, he decided to start working on dinner. 

That was his first mistake. He should have just ordered takeout. But no, he'd tried to cook dinner personally, and that's how everything went downhill. Dazai, despite being the smart genius he is, failed to see one of his boyfriend's hats resting atop of the kitchen counter, quite near the stove. Said boyfriend had probably been drunk when he'd put it there.

Then, one thing led to another, and Dazai somehow ended up burning his boyfriend's hat. And all of Yokohama knew how serious Chuuya was about his hats. The short man was practically surgically attached to a hat at all times, and the bandaged detective was very sure that the hat he'd burnt was one of the executive's first. 

Chuuya was absolutely going to murder him. Nakahara Chuuya, the smaller of the Double Black duo, the best martial artist in all of Port Mafia, and by extension, in all of Yokohama. Nakahara Chuuya, the vessel of Arahabaki and manipulator of gravity, the strongest ability user in the city of Yokohama. Other than all his well-known achievements, Chuuya's biggest achievement was probably dealing with Dazai for almost a decade.

The two of them had met when they were fifteen, and had been assigned to be work partners by the Mafia boss. For two years, they'd danced around their feelings for each other, engaging in 'hate' sex to try and get rid of their mutual attraction. a few months before Dazai had left the mafia, they had officially gotten together, as a couple. They had, however, kept it a secret.

When Dazai left the Mafia, he'd told Chuuya about it, and the latter had felt a little betrayed, but supportive nevertheless. He'd understood the circumstances. They'd sort of lost contact for the first year after Dazai's departure. The former Mafia executive contacted him as often as possible, which wasn't too often. But they hadn't broken up. 

Years later, when they'd been reunited as Double Black in the field again, it had been exhilarating. Both of them trusted the other more than themselves, and it gave Chuuya a rush; the feeling of it once again, after four long years. Double Black, in their personal lives, as a couple, had made it through everything.

Chuuya had kept Dazai around for almost a decade, despite his millions of flaws. And the former mafia executive appreciated it endlessly. But today, he just knew that it was the end of everything. A decade long partnership, all gone up in the flames. It was ironic. Dazai's relationship was going to be go up in the flames, because he deposited his boyfriend's favourite hat in literal flames. It does not get more idiotic than this, honestly.

His second mistake was not telling Chuuya immediately. He'd panicked and hidden the hat under the pile of laundry in the laundry bag. They didn't have to do laundry for a few more days, so it was the safest hiding spot. He was scared, okay! Nothing was scarier than Chuuya on a regular day. But Chuuya when he found out his hat had been burned, of all things? Forget it. Dazai had stopped being that suicidal a while ago.

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