we took a polaroid

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 Chuuya stepped into that one all too familiar bar.

It was around late December, so the world outside the bar was cold enough for him to be exhaling wisps of frost. But such cold weathers was also perfect for a night out with friends at clubs and pubs, right? 

Those places were super crowded all the time anyway. Between all those people radiating their body heat and the sheer warmth that the tiniest sip of alcohol tends to provide, the last thing that Chuuya needed to worry about was the cold. No really, this bar in particular was a furnace.

Speaking of friends, Chuuya's were somewhere ahead of him. Not that he could spot them amongst all the other people anymore. Honestly, such a pain. In the first place, Chuuya hadn't wanted to step out of his house tonight at all. It was cold, he was tired, and he had a shit ton of paperwork to complete before the specified deadline.

He'd even decided on a wine bottle to uncork for the evening. But no. His friends had shown up to his place, insisting that they absolutely had to go 'clubbing' today. Something about Kajii getting rejected by the doctor he's been crushing on? Chuuya had a bad feeling that he knew the said doctor, but he remained quiet about it.

Eventually, his friends somehow convinced him to come along with them. It was for Kajii to drink his sorrows away, they emphasized. And maybe find someone new to crush on. Chuuya couldn't even begin to imagine why they'd think that was a good idea, but alright.

Who even finds true love at a bar, anyway?

In such a setting, most people are usually too drunk to remember who they met or what they did by the time they woke up the next morning. With a killer hangover, might he add. And it's not like Chuuya had any good experiences meeting new people around here recently.

Well, that's not entire true.

AH it was just really confusing and just a big mess in general, alright?!

It had happened sometime around last month. His friends had once again dragged him to the club, claiming that it was the birthday of a friend of a friend. Ah jeez, what a tongue twister. Anyway, drinks were supposed to be on the birthday person. And Chuuya wasn't nearly anti-social enough to pass up free drinks.

So he'd given in and gone along with his friends. And don't get him wrong; he'd had fun, really. Drinks hit harder when they were free, after all. Now, it was common knowledge enough that Chuuya was a lightweight. Keeping that in mind, he'd limited his alcohol intake that night, considering his decision to be safe and conscious.

It was between downing shots and turning down his friends' invitations to dance with them, that Chuuya ran into somebody, uh, interesting.

Now, first things first. Chuuya was most certainly not looking for somebody that night. Not somebody to take home to, and definitely not somebody to fall in love with. Besides, he wasn't a big believer of the whole 'love at first sight' thing. Like, it was pretty much impossible wasn't it? Loving somebody meant knowing them well enough to all their flaws and loving them for their imperfections. That couldn't possibly be achieved in a few seconds.

His point was clear, right? He definitely did not believe in such ridiculous notions. But. But, holy shit that guy he'd met that night had been so, so pretty. Maybe it was because Chuuya had been tipsy already, but in that moment, Chuuya had thought that the brunet sitting next to him at the bar counter was the most prettiest man in existence.

Even in hindsight, Chuuya couldn't help but admit that the man- Dazai- was really so gorgeous. He didn't have to have alcohol in his system to be able to confess that. And besides, that wasn't the problem anyway. About that mysterious stranger, Chuuya had ninety-nine problems, and confirming his attraction to him was not one of them.

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