promise, five times over

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Day 5 of Soukoku Valentine's Week: Promise Day

Staying in was the best.

A perfectly satisfactory evening at home was perfectly possible. All you had to do is pop in a few movies, order in food, and whip up a few alcoholic beverages to match the taste palate of the food. It was the perfect evening.

Sure, going out was fun and all too. It was common to go to mixers or clubs with friends, getting black-out drunk before stumbling home. Although, that was more of a young, single college student thing. For people in relationships, they'd prefer to go on dates and do fun activities.

Chuuya had nothing against going out.

In fact, he quite enjoyed it too; suck as going out drinking with his co-workers. However, mixers were definitely not his thing. For one, even though he was of college-student age, he wasn't actually one. Plus, he wasn't single, and he was a lightweight. Even though he would rather eat chocolate from a convenience store than admit it out loud.

Being a lightweight was extremely annoying! It was just so difficult to be conscious of one's surroundings, and moreover, finding somebody to drive you home was also very annoying. Chuuya wasn't dumb enough to get into a vehicle with a drunk driver, and he wasn't very apt at using his ability when drunk.

Moreover, his address was a secret to literally everyone. The only one who knew where he lived was his partner. Also, said partner was a pain in his ass, who would bully him endlessly if he were to show up home black-out drunk. Then he'd laugh some the next morning during his hangover, and tease him for being such a 'chibi lightweight'.

Plus, Chuuya's partner would also whine incessantly about not being invited to 'such an interesting sounding event' like a mixer. Even though that bastard hates socialising and would totally feel out of place at such a event. He'd also blow Chuuya's phone up with constant random texts like stickers, and keyboard smashes.

See? There were just so many reasons as to why Chuuya didn't like going to such social events. It was perfectly okay for someone of his age to want to stay in on free nights. He wasn't getting old or anything. He wasn't.

Either way, he had a free evening today after a very annoying day of work, and he would enjoy nothing more than staying home and ordering in lots of unhealthy food. His shut-in of a partner agreed too, and hence the decision of doing so was mutual.

But first, Chuuya had a very important question to ask his partner.

Sitting down on the couch next to the other, almost sprawled on his lap, Chuuya spoke, "Oi. What day is it today?"

Dazai looked up from his phone, "Eh? It's Thursday."

For a few seconds, Chuuya just stared. That was obviously not what he meant! As far as he knew, it was still Valentine's Week, which meant today was supposed to be dedicated to another ridiculous sounding day as well. Did that monstrosity of a week end already?

Is that why Dazai hasn't said anything about today being a weird day? Or was Chuuya supposed to do something for whatever it was today? Wait. Is it possible Dazai didn't care about this whole week thing anymore?! Not that Chuuya would complain if that were the case...

He wouldn't mind at all. But still, it was definitely a question worth asking!

Chuuya nudged the other's shoulder, "Asshole. I meant like the Valentine's Week thing. Isn't today a day too?"

It was clear that Dazai had forgotten about that whole thing. His lips parted in surprise, "Oh. I don't know actually. Let me check."

As he thumbed over his phone screen, Chuuya snorted next to him, "You're over this whole Valentine's Week thing already, huh?"

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