better than revenge

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Two years into their partnership, Chuuya was absolutely ready to cut all ties with that shitty asshole called Dazai.

Now, there were many reasons to this. For one, Dazai has been a constant annoyance to his partner literally since day one. Day zero, if possible. He was an absolute menace, and he reluctantly lived as if his sole purpose in life was to annoy Chuuya forever.

While Chuuya was grateful that the bastard had decided to live, he didn't want to be stuck with a stinky fish for life, okay! And right now, Chuuya was practically never alone. Sure, it was understandable to be constantly surrounded by people at work; in fact, Chuuya thrived on it.

But then, in his private life at home; that was completely overtaken by that stupid mackerel! Dazai all but lived at his apartment now. He even had designated shelves in his wardrobe and his own side of the bed. 

(It was the left. Dazai always insisted on sleeping on the left side of the bed. It worked out perfectly because Chuuya preferred the right. Geh, even their bedding preferences were compatible. How utterly disgusting.)

Dazai did a lot of things just to get on Chuuya's nerves. Like a lot of them. For example, he was such a picky eater! He absolutely refused to eat unless Chuuya personally cooked him something using ingredients he picked out himself. What a brat! It was very annoying to come from work and then feed the pet fish just because that idiot refused to eat anything else at work all day. 

Next, he always left the bathroom so dirty! And it was definitely on purpose. This one time, Chuuya had been away on a mission, but he'd come back home earlier than expected. Dazai hadn't been the apartment, but Chuuya saw with his own blue eyes that the bathroom was absolutely left sparkling clean by that asshole. 

But when Chuuya was at home, he always left it so dirty! It was unacceptable, the sheer amount of effort Dazai put in just to make sure the bathroom was gross enough to make Chuuya hurl insults at him. (Seriously, was that a kink or something?)

Other than this, he also relentlessly teased Chuuya for his height (or the lack thereof). That bastard called him a bunch of names like little fairy or a chibi or even a hatrack! Hat racks were cool! There was no way that they should be used as insults, lest by a literal mummy.

But well, the most annoying thing about Dazai was actually something else, other than these things.

Dazai learnt somewhat recently that Chuuya used his ability for as many day-to-day activities as possible. Well, it was more like Chuuya avoided using his ability in front of his partner for very obvious reasons. But then one day, Dazai walked in on him flying near the ceiling in order to dust out the cobwebs in the corner. Because that asshole claimed to be a genius or whatever, he immediately figured out just how much Chuuya used his ability.

Ever since then, Dazai tried his very best to disrupt whatever Chuuya was doing. Seriously, he was so single-minded about it and everything too! If that asshole tried this hard at doing his Mafia duties, he'd already be an Executive by now. But anyway.

Yes, Dazai disrupting Chuuya's life with his ability. Rolling the flashbacks now;

This one time, Chuuya was at this milkshake shop way outside the Port Mafia grounds. He had a day the afternoon off, and all he wanted to do was get a milkshake and play on his phone. So, he made a quick trip to the store to get a blueberry cheesecake flavoured milkshake.

Because he was a gravity manipulator and he could make his milkshake cup fly, he did exactly that. So, he was walking along the sidewalk, playing on his phone while his milkshake cup floated in the air as he sipped from it. Now, because Dazai was a shitty bastard who noticed him doing so, and Chuuya was too engrossed in his game to notice that he was being engrossed, disaster struck.

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