for fated foes

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A/N : BSD Ch 107 spoilers!! Minor Stormbringer spoiler mentioned

The once pristine clean corridor now bore tracks of blood and grime, dragged across the floor.

Somebody had clearly struggled while attempting to traverse down the expanse of the hallway. Surely, this was enough? Really, Dazai didn't like pain. Suicide was fun! Pain however, was usually a big negative for him. 

But alas, one can't really do much when stuck in the world's most secure prison, engaged in a game of wits to death spanning an entirety of thirty minutes. Who knows how long it has even been already? It felt like hours, months, even decades maybe. But it definitely hasn't crossed thirty minutes. The lethal poison coursing through the two competitors' veins would have done its job by now, in any other case. 

It was simply a race to escape the prison.

Whoever got to it first, got the antidote to the poison as their reward. It should have been simple, but really, that was foolish to expect. It was Dazai and Fyodor, after all. The two competitors, two geniuses who could only match the other's wit with efficiency. Everybody else kind of, lacked, in a field like this. 

But really, Dazai has had enough. He just fell through an elevator shaft and everything too. Saving Sigma was essential, so that wasn't something to be regretted. But ah, maybe he should've done something beforehand to ensure less pain in this whole process?

"That's enough pain. Give me a break now."

Those were the words he uttered among his firsts after the fall, directed at the beeping surveillance camera. Up in the control room, as expected, Fyodor had his eyes glued to the screen. 

He smirked as he issued orders, "Sure. Chuuya-san, can you hear me? Your target is on the fifth floor, near the water observation room."

The last two words, "Kill him."

Dazai couldn't really hear what was going on in the surveillance room, but he did have a faint idea. Maybe Fyodor would finally make use of the trump card he'd acquired at the beginning of the game. Nakahara Chuuya, the gravity manipulator, one of the Port Mafia's top five executives, crucial to this plan that Fyodor had thought up. 

Chuuya, Dazai's partner.

Up in the control room, the sequence of events had taken a turn for the strange; something Dazai had no way to be aware of. Sigma had come for Fyodor, loaded gun in hand. The two of them chose to engage in conversation; something about a game of manipulation, and what not.

While those two of were busy over there, Chuuya had most certainly heard, and hence heeded Fyodor's orders. The infamous mafioso made his way to the fifth floor, checking near the water level observation room as instructed.

It wasn't a tough job to find Dazai. The blood trails all over the floor gave away his precise location, after all.  

In a frenzy of dark coloured clothes and snarls, the gravity manipulator hurled himself onto his rival. Yet somehow, in his state of being a vampire, he was still subconsciously gentle in his actions. His rival winced prematurely, expecting to be put in further pain as he was hurled at. The armful of short mafioso came in the softest way possible, though.

In this moment at least, Dazai was glad that it was his ankle he'd broken, and not his wrists. Raising both his hands, he pressed them against his partner's face, "Chuuya?"

For a few seconds, nothing happened.

Then, Chuuya got up slightly, looking at his partner, "You can nullify the vampirification, after all."

Dazai chuckled softly, "That's not a word, Slug."

A scoff, "Is that important right now?"

Standing up properly now, Chuuya got a proper first look at his partner after god knows how long. As expected, he certainly did not like what he was seeing. 

Double BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora