glowing in the dark

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Prequel (in the same timeline): dearest hatrack (part 12..?)


The treacherous fog was slowly beginning to dwindle down.

A large part of Yokohama lay in shambles; buildings crumbled to dust and bridges fragmenting into pieces, their only remnants being the broken support bars and splashes on the unusually calm surface of the river. The waves rippled back and forth, all the way to the river bank, washing upon it broken debris. 

As the sun ascended it's way to the top of the world, dawn broke upon a city that had finally managed to regain some of its peace and order, all thanks to a group of supernatural ability users. Birds chirping merrily, it was quite evident that the world had gone back to normal already. The civilians were back in their usual realm, trudging footsteps and confused murmurs echoing through the still silent air, laced with smoke and apprehension.

Unknown to them, the government's Special Abilities Division were probably swamped with a week's load of work, somewhere hundreds of feet above them, in a surveillance aircraft. The task of covering up such a big supernatural incident, such as the presence of the singularity dragon? It was no banal task, by any means.

Nevertheless, the earth continued to spin, the civilians unaware of the peril their city had barely escaped. Their oblivion was as per usual. Really, their fate was easily capable of being envied. Being able to go about a normal life, not having to worry about saving their city and protecting themselves? Must be fucking nice, that's for sure.

Amidst all this chaotic tranquil, a particular ability user, Nakahara Chuuya, regained his bearings in a very suspicious situation.

He'd had the damned luck to get involved in the Dead Apple incident. Something about breaking into the government's surveillance plane for fun, and getting roped into defeating a shitty dragon in order to save an equally shitty bastard. Besides, he'd had to activate the final form of his ability to achieve such a useless feat as saving that guy. Corruption was very annoying, alright?! He couldn't control it, meaning that the only way to stop it was for him to die.

Well, there was that shitty guy's ability. Nullification. That worked perfectly to deactivate his very annoying ability too. Having to rely on that bastard for such a thing? How truly horrifying. It was really something out of a cliché horror movie. But well, at least it was better than dying any time he decided to use his ability.

Well, needless to mention, Chuuya had passed out after the whole shebang was over. He'd really done so much, after all. 

Jumping off a plane. Check.

Using Corruption to defeat that shitty singularity dragon. Double check. He kicked that thing's ass to Suribachi Island, at the very least. He was putting his bets on Jupiter, though.

Saving that asshole Dazai. Triple fucking check, very unwillingly.

Listening to said asshole sprouting bullshit while poking his cheek. Check, sigh. 

Passing out on top of Dazai after he sprouted some more bullshit. Check...?

That's probably how Chuuya ended up in his present situation. His eyes opening slowly, after Arahabaki knows how long, he slowly stirred and tried to sit up. The first thing he noticed was the position he was apparently asleep in. It didn't take a psychopath genius to figure out that his head had been resting upon Dazai's lap.

It was way too close to that guy's, uhm, crotch, for the lack off a better word. But Chuuya was a mafia executive. A big shot in the Yokohama Underworld. The guy who just freaking saved the city, okay? Hence, he was obviously going to ignore that very awkward part about where he ended up in such a weird situation (read: where he faceplanted into his mortal enemy's crotch).

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