through my lenses

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A/N: Based on the prompt, "this (photographer/model) au but chuuya is the model and dazai is the photographer. like yk how chuuya uses corruption and dazai looks at him like he's the most beautiful thing in the world? yeah that but this au"

A role reversal to <<my camera loves you (but I don't!) [part 44]


Seated at the kitchen table, Dazai stared at the fancily lettered sheet of paper in front of him.

To put it simply, it was an invitation. After he finally got around to putting in the effort of actually reading the invite, he came to the conclusion that it was a formal work invitation to yet another fashion show. Except, this one seemed to be a pretty big deal.

Something about a Paris Fashion Week?

Dazai has been in the industry long enough to know that this was a rather prestigious occasions for all aspiring and established models world wide. But he did not care nearly enough to figure out why this was such a big deal, and why he should be caring for it.

His invite just warmly asked him to attend the event in Paris, and thus RSVP in advance if he planned on doing so. That was the rather generic invitation post card that everybody got, right? But the envelope had another sheet of paper, not nearly as fancy; this one was a properly framed letter that described how arrangements have already been made in order to hire Dazai at the show.

Now, of course, it was an incredibly big honor to be invited to the famous Paris Fashion Week. Even people not belonging to the industry knew that much. And early in his career, Dazai would have RSVP'd without a singe after thought, no hesitation to be detected in his actions. But see, it has been quite a few years since he started working like this, and not to brag or anything, but he was a fairly big name in his field.

He was just tired, really. He'd just finished a big job about three days ago. Now that was a real tiring job; at a magazine cover photoshoot in Thailand. He was still jet lagged from the trip back to Japan, damn it! Besides, the model in that shoot had nothing on his favorite model of all time.

Right, naturally, Dazai was a photographer at all these events. He was hired to ensure that these formulated personas of the models were captured permanently by his lens, to be splattered across covers of booklets or across the biggest billboards that donned the skyline of the biggest cities. 

Dazai has worked with countless models over all these years, and naturally, he's grown fond of a few; some he was close friends with. He still kept in touch with a few of them, going out on meals to catch up occasionally. It was fun, and rather surprising, considering they probably haven't worked together in the last four or so years. 

Take the famous Prada model for example, Akutagawa Gin. Dazai had worked with her a few times in her early career but they remained to stay in touch even after. And the same went for Tachihara Michizou, who worked for a rather famous modelling agency alongside Akutagawa-san.

All these model friends and acquaintances, but Dazai still had a very specific one he was extremely fond of, and hence rather attached to. 

Presently, he was still staring at his fashion week invitation when the door to his bedroom opened from within, and soft footsteps padded their way to the kitchen. With a tired yawn, the newcomer spoke lazily, "What are you looking at?"

Dazai looked up immediately, the softest smile adorning his face, "Good morning, Chuuya~"

The redhead rolled his eyes before sitting down next to the other, leaning his head on his shoulder, "Morning, dumbass. What's up?"

Dazai's eyes fell on the fancy paper again, and he hummed, "Oh, this? I've received an invite to attend the Paris Fashion Week."

The underlying 'should I go?' was left unspoken, but yet understood perfectly. 

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