a bottle of rouge, just me and you

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The sound of keys jingling in his pocket was unfamiliar, to say the least.

Unlike regular office-goers, Dazai wasn't used to carrying around the keys to his home with him. For one, to him, home was always a certain person first and foremost. And if it was to be talked about in the terms of it being a place, that would be wherever that certain person decided to live.

Chuuya had an apartment to his name, and while Dazai did always have the key to that place, he much rather preferred breaking in.

Also, the fact remained that he ended up losing the first set of keys he received within half an hour of receiving them. He couldn't be sure, but he reckoned that it fell from his pockets when he was trying out a particular river as his daily suicide trial. Or maybe he lost them on a mission. Either way, Chuuya had to change the locks, and of course, he yelled lots at his partner.

Dazai would much rather avoid all of that hassle, and just break in instead. Simple, see?

It was always like that in the mafia. Dazai never really had a proper place to go back to; especially because Chuuya insisted that the shipping container that used to be his abode was actually no abode at all. Dazai figured that wasn't very true, but he let it slide anyway. After all, he was always where Chuuya was, no matter what.

Unfortunately, that could no longer be the case anymore. For one, Dazai wasn't even in the Mafia. He betrayed his organization about two years ago now. Declared a traitor, it was obvious that he couldn't step onto Port Mafia grounds as recklessly.

So, when he was not busy tying up loose ends and maintaining certain underground connections to last him at his new work, he could always be found at Chuuya's secret apartment, lazing around and absolutely doing nothing. Not that anyone except Chuuya knew where to find him, of course.

Ah but now, Dazai had finally succeeded in getting a new job. One that helps people, just like Odasaku had wanted. Personally, Dazai couldn't really care enough about being a good person and giving back to society and all that bullshit. But his faith in his friend was strong, so he'd honor his wishes and give his best hand at trying to be a good person.

Which is precisely why he went out there and got a job at a reputed Detective Agency. One that employed ability users. Which was fancy and all fine, really. But. But, it was just such a pain! Waking up every morning at a fixed time, just to go to an office and do paperwork all day long?


At least when he was in the Mafia, he could force all the paperwork onto his chibi partner. Chuuya was much more efficient when it came to boring things like that anyway. Just like a dog, ne? Oh, it was just so satisfyingly hilarious.

That aside, back to the house keys.

They were really just a constant annoyance. Dazai had to carry them around everywhere and keep them safe consciously, making sure not to lose it. Of course, he could totally break in, if he did end up losing the keys; but Chuuya said that he won't let him break in anymore! Wasn't that just rude?! To be expected to enter his own home like a normal person, using a proper set of keys; really, wasn't that just too much that Chuuya was asking for?

But nevertheless, Chuuya was cute, so it was okay.

Presently, relief came in the form of gentle yellow lights glowing through the crack of the main door. Dazai noticed them as soon as he stepped into the corridor, and the joy at the lights being on inside his home was rather evident on his face. It was the first sign that Chuuya was already home, after all.

Within five quick strides, he was already at the door, pushing it open, only to step into an unusually dimly lit living room. Further in, the dining table was illuminated by candles. And it appeared that dinner was most certainly ready.

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