snow globe moment

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Dating someone who refused to agree with you, even if merely on principle, was absolutely the worst.

Life would be so much simpler if Chuuya's partner willingly went along with his very wonderful ideas, right? They would practically never have to argue about anything; be it dinner ideas, or shopping for furniture. It was so stupid, because Dazai didn't even care about furniture! 

If it was up to him, he'd probably buy a mix-match of the cheapest furniture he could find, and just dump all of it in their apartment. Chuuya had the misfortune of being married to such a tasteless creature! Seriously, what was he thinking when he decided to ask this asshole to marry him?

Clearly, he wasn't thinking at all. Because, how could Chuuya ever live with someone insisted that the use of bath bombs was unnecessary and stupid and extra. The audacity that asshole had to say such things?! It was ridiculous.

But well, Chuuya was used it by now. He's had this stupid dumbass around for about eight years of his life, literally half of his conscious lifetime. Even if Dazai was annoying and a menace to live with, Chuuya could no longer imagine living without him.

Waking up without a beanpole sprawled on top of him, not buying crab three times a week, cooking just for himself, having a clean bathroom at all times; these things were unimaginable to Chuuya now. Ah, the biggest misfortune of his life. Truly a tragedy.

But for now, Chuuya had other problems to thing about. There was no use complaining about things he was already used to, right?

Currently, Chuuya had a very specific goal in his mind, which was to experience a perfect snow day.

Now, this is of utmost importance. See, it didn't snow very much in Yokohama. And mostly all past winters, Chuuya was either busy with missions or for some reason, he stupidly decided not to go out and experience the wonder that is snow, and cold winter days.

Hence, this time, he was determined to have the perfect snow day, like those high school kids did, in the anime he watched yesterday. Those kids had so much fun on Christmas Eve! Chuuya has never done any of those things, and he very truly wanted to do them.

It was no longer Christmas Eve, but it finally snowed the previous night, despite being late January. Well, who gives a fuck about the time of the year?! There was snow outside, which means there was anime-style snow day potential right there. 

Now see, Chuuya could totally go out and enjoy the day himself. He really could. It's just that, it sounded so lame like that! Only losers would experience true snow days by themselves. The real ones do it with their friends, and the realest ones do it with their partners.

Chuuya would have zero problems if he had a decent partner, but unfortunately for him, his husband was a shitty beanpole. Because Dazai existed sorely to be a hindrance to Chuuya's very important life goals, he turned down the idea of having a perfect snow day as soon as it was proposed to him.

The bastard was carefully tucked underneath a heap of blankets on the couch when Chuuya approached him, "Oi, Dazai. Let's go out today."

For a few seconds, Dazai just stared at him. Then he spoke in disbelief, "Are you crazy? You want me to get out of this couch when there is literal snow outside? Go to hell."

Clearly, the cold made Dazai extra cranky.

But Chuuya was not the one to give up so easily. He insisted, "But it's the perfect day to have a snow day!"

His partner stared at him some more, "The fuck is a snow day?"

Chuuya was clearly picking up that shitty asshole's habits, because he waved his hands around in response, "You know! A snow day! Like, you're supposed to go out and do fun things in the snow, like cute dates and make snowmen and get hot chocolate at a cute little café and then the café has cute Santa cookies for sale and you buy them with your partners and you walk in the snow, huddled together, and you giggle as you eat the cookies and then you finally kiss under a random mistletoe!"

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