tell me about your past (because your future is me)

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Post-mission shenanigans were truly the best.

Missions varied quite a lot; some were fun enough, given that they threw in a bet or a challenge to spice it up. Some were gruesome; involving several corpses and gallons of spilled blood. Others were simply monotonous, nothing out of the ordinary. Those were the truly the most disliked ones.

Despite the type of missions, the activities after them were always fun, albeit in different ways. On some days, they stayed up battling over video games, making bets over them. This was usually the atmosphere after the fun missions. Other times, they stayed up in the bedroom, clinging to each other, desperate to forget. That was for the late hours after the darker missions. As for the activities after the boring missions? Those depended on the mood that day.

Today's mission had been one of those boring ones. They had been informed of some meagre organisation who dared to try and use the Port Mafia's name to get their way with other small organisations. Besmirching the Mafia's name like this was certainly unforgivable. Taking out the group of impostors took no more than three hours, including the really long travel time.

But well, the mission had gone well, and they had the rest of the day off. Besides, it was already late in the evening. There wasn't really anything else to do than go back home and find something fun to do.

Chuuya was poring over take-out menus when his partner burst into their shared bedroom. The taller of them had changed out of his work clothes, now dressed in usual loungewear he wore at home. 

Dazai flopped down on the bed next to the other, and pointed his finger at one of the menu cards, "Noodles and dumplings?"

Chuuya nodded as he thumbed in the order on his phone, "Noodles and dumplings it is. What's up?"

The brunet straightened before throwing down a sheet of paper on the bed between them, "Look what I found in one of those men's pockets. You know, those men from the organisation we took down earlier."

A curious voice, as the owner peeked at the paper, "Eh? What is it?"

Dazai leaned forward, his fingers carefully tracing the text on the paper, "Well, it's supposed to be a computer code. But not just any code, Chuuya! No, it's supposed to put us in a group chat with our future selves, if done properly."

His partner arched his eyebrows incredulously, "With our future selves? That sounds far-fetched; what is this, a sci-fi manga?"

Dazai deadpanned, "Chuuya, we are literally ability users. And you find such a meagre thing impossible?"

Chuuya tilted his head thoughtfully, "Huh. You do have a point. Maybe it's a program built with somebody ability or something. We are trying it, right?"

The bandaged boy already Chuuya's laptop open and unlocked on the bed space between them, "Obviously. Has your hat eaten away at your brain, Chuuya~ Asking such silly questions is-"

The redhead cut him off with a punch to his arm, "Shut the fuck up and input the code."

Dazai rolled his eyes, but proceeded to type in the given code in the command prompt anyway. Today's mood was kind of sombre. The two of them weren't bickering and yelling as much as they usually do. It was probably because they were tired from the mission. The travelling to the imposing organisation's base, to be particular; not the mission itself.

A few seconds later, Chuuya's laptop dinged as it went completely blank. Another second later, the screen flickered once before displaying grey, pixelated lines of buzzing feedback. The lines finally subsided, only to display a chat screen with white background.

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