yes, unnecessary and unwarranted

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A/N: based on a prompt by JunkoFucking3noshima (on wattpad). i know this was like probably a year ago but anyways let's ignore that,, anyways i missed u guys say hi!

"Yosano-sensei, are you ready to go yet?"

Leaning against the doorframe, Dazai was just texting on his phone as he spoke to his co-worker. In that little office clinic, the doctor filled in pages of her patient record logbook, checking off symptoms and jotting down other personal details.

She sighed, "Yeah, yeah. Just a second. Oi Dazai, did you perhaps take bandages from my stock? I'm missing some."

The detective was evasive, as expected, "Eh, that? It's just bandages, surely you can just order more."

"Listen here, you little-"

Cutting her off effortlessly, "We don't have time for this, Sensei! We're going to be late."

Yosano merely rolled her eyes as she put away her books and pens, "As if that has ever bothered you. Anyway, get Atsushi too. And what about Kunikida? He isn't joining us?"

A shrug, "He said he wanted to catch up on paperwork, but I'm sure you could threaten him into coming along. It's a momentous occasion, after all."

The two of them headed out to the main area of the office, eager to fetch the other two that were supposed to join them on their excursion today. Like the former mafioso mentioned, it really was a notable meeting that they were off to. The Port Mafia had called for an informal gathering, just to talk about the latest joint mission and then foster friendly relations between the two groups.

It was essential that they be joined by other Agency members too, considering the Mafia had mentioned they were to bring similar numbers. Kunikida was hesitant at first; informal communication wasn't his strongest suite, after all. Besides, it was the mafia members that were in question, right?! That was concerning in its own right.

As for Atsushi, he wanted to stay away from the man he was so often forced to work with. Akutagawa was really too rigid and hard to understand. He would never understand why Dazai-san was so intent on the two of them working together. Sure, they could fight perfectly in sync, covering each others' weak points. But they really had nothing more than that going for them.

As expected, all arguments were effectively ignored as Yosano and Dazai practically dragged them out of the office by their collars. Unfortunately for them, the venue of meeting wasn't Cafe Uzumaki, as they were normally used to. Rather, it was a family restaurant near the Port Mafia's turf.

A family restaurant!

Wasn't that absolutely absurd?! Why would the Mafia and Agency members ever need to step foot into a family restaurant together? It made no sense, right? Still, they had no choice. Especially after Dazai asked them to not take names of such trivial matters so literally.

Much to Kunikida's surprise, the Port Mafia members were already at the location before them, unusually punctual. Was that really befitting of mafiosos?

To that, Dazai commented as their group opened the door to the restaurant, "It's Chuuya who's leading them today, after all. He's nothing if not punctual."

While being greeted by the receptionist, Atsushi muttered under his breath, "You seem to know him well as always, Dazai-san."

The man in question laughed it off a little too easily, "That hatrack? That's natural, of course."

It was smooth-sailing after that. Once Dazai informed the receptionist that their company was already present at the restaurant, they were politely led to the reserved table. The peace lasted for only that long. Once the two groups were left alone, it was disrupted by the Mafia Executive himself.

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