untouchable, scented sweeter than cupcakes

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Chuuya has had the longest week at work in a while.

For one, most of his schedule for the week had been packed with stuffy meetings, rather than on-field missions. Even so, he did get assigned a few field missions, which he was supposed to head. It was a mission to train the rookies, and they somehow managed to royally fuck it up, leaving Chuuya to fix their mess.

Moreover, he also had a joint mission with the Agency. Of fucking course, he had to partner with that shitty bastard Dazai, his former partner in the Mafia. As usual, that stinky fish was a serious headache, and Chuuya very desperately needed a week long vacation just after dealing with for a single hour.

He had so many problems after this last week, and there was just one solution to all his problems. Chuuya had a hundred problems today, and a perfect spa experience could solve ninety-nine of them; the one unsolved problem being Dazai's existence in his life.

Hence, it was decided. It was a beautiful Sunday and Chuuya had the day off; he was definitely going to drag his partner to a spa and book them for a full spa experience. Now all there was left to do was to convince said partner to go along with him to the spa.

The trick was to ask him nicely when he was doing something he enjoyed. For example, at breakfast (which Chuuya made), when Dazai was poking his crab rice balls with his chopsticks.

Preparing himself mentally, Chuuya nudged his partner across the table, "Oi, Dazai."

The detective looked at him with suspicious eyes, "Hm. What does Chuuya want?"

Of course, he should have expected to be caught immediately. Even so, Chuuya spoke indignantly, "What makes you think I want something?! I could just be asking you want you want for lunch!"

His partner tilted his head, a soft grin forming on his face, "You could, but you aren't. Your aura says otherwise."

An incredulous snort, "What aura?"

"You know! Your aura~ Anyway. So, what did you want?"

Chuuya braced himself, hands clasping together, "Right! Osamu, honey, I have had the longest week at work and will you pretty please come with me for a spa day?"

Slowly, Dazai blinked, "A what?"

"A spa day."

"What is that?"

"It's a day at the spa...?"

"Um. What's a spa?"

Chuuya rubbed his temple, "I know you're not the type to indulge in petty luxuries, but how can you not know what a spa is?!"

His partner pouted, "Well I've seen spas on the streets. I just don't know what they do and what they are for."

Waving his hand around in explanation, Chuuya spoke, "Well, it's like a place where you go to relax basically. And they give you massages with oils and stuff, and face masks and hair masks. Plus there are manicures and pedicures too."

"I don't understand half of what you said, but is it fun?"


For a few seconds, Dazai genuinely seemed to consider his request. Then he spoke in dejection, "I don't think I want to go. But you can go by yourself, right? You should do that."

Chuuya's frown was quick to appear, "But. I booked us for a couple's spa session. It'll be boring without you."

Laughing lots, Dazai reached out his hand to ruffle his partner's hair, "Eh? My good little doggie misses me so much~"

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