and if my wishes came true, it would've been you

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This world worked a little differently.

Out of the many realities that existed out there in the universe, this one worked in a specific way, especially about the matters of love and relationships. Nobody really knew how these realities came to be, or if it was even possible to create one. Some theorized that there existed an alternate reality, one which didn't have this system of soulmates; where the same pairs of people probably found each other in different ways.

There were theories about a certain Book, which could be used to navigate the pages of many realities that made up the vast, unknown universe. 

In this one, every human received a picture of their fated soulmate in the mail, on the very day they turned sixteen.

It was definitely strange, to say the least. Such a thing has been going on for as long as one could remember, and yet nobody really knew how it worked. Who sent the pictures? Who took the pictures? Who decided the pairs of soulmates? How did they decide that? Did they have a reason for matching up two specific people together?

There were so many questions, and yet so few people who could even attempt to answer them. 

For a while there, the scientists and other geniuses theorized that it was actually the government who sent out the mails. It wouldn't be too strange if the government had a special department for such things, would it? They had the ultimate power in a country, after all. They also had information about every single person that resided on their territory. Weren't they fully capable of carrying out such a thing?

But despite these accusation, Japan's government time and time again refused to own up to being the masterminds behind the soulmate system. They didn't know how it worked, themselves. They'd tried multiple times, to trace the sender of the mails, but to no avail.

After much trial and error, all public theorizing was put to an end for a while. It didn't really matter how it was happening, as long it was happening and it worked out for everyone. Well, at the very least, the designated soulmates ended up working out for most people.

Almost everyone chose to build romantic relationships with their soulmates. It just worked best that way, apparently. Others chose to stay friends with them, but somehow ended up being romantically involved with them anyway, at some point. It was really funny how fate worked sometimes. 

But well, it was all about a soulmate, after all. Someone who is supposed to know and understand you better than anyone else. Someone you can trust with your life. Someone who can be your partner.

Despite most people believing in such things, Dazai Osamu was most definitely not one of those people. As if some random picture in the mail could decide his partner, of all things! Wasn't that just the little shorty who he worked with? That feisty redhead who screamed profanities even if things went his way?

There was no way Dazai would accept anybody else as his soulmate or partner or whatever. No, there was just one of those for him. After all, Chuuya did the lose the bet and (reluctantly) agree to being his dog for life.

Weren't they tied together anyway?! There was no way Dazai could have someone else as a soulmate. That was just disgusting.

Besides, he was positive that he wouldn't get a picture in the mail anyway. After all, he didn't live in a regular house. Shipping containers on toxic grounds don't have mailboxes. Hence, there was no way somebody could send him a picture via post, of all things. Other than that, Dazai was pretty sure that this system of soulmates was for humans. Clearly, he wasn't one of them.

But Chuuya was different. Chuuya was human, see? There was no way pretty, wonderful Chuuya wouldn't have an equally wonderful soulmate. He must have one, and Dazai was sure that Chuuya's soulmate would be someone who'd be capable of treating him gently, with utmost love and care. Since there was no way Dazai could have a soulmate, it was certain that he wouldn't be Chuuya's soulmate.

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