traduire, avec amour

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Some missions in the Mafia were truly more fun that others.

Today's was definitely one of them. Well, it wasn't exactly 'today's' mission. The mission actually extended over a period of three days, including travel time. Moreover, it was in Tokushima, a city three hundred miles away from Yokohama. They could've taken the plane, but Double Black chose to make a fun vacation out of it and take the train.

Further, it was actually an undercover mission; one of the cliché ones at that. The kind they show in James Bond movies and such. They were supposed infiltrate a ball. This ball was to be held as a celebration for the completion of an auction. This specific auction was to sell off the treasures of the late Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. One of the items on display happened to be a platinum ring, with the vibrant and blue lapis lazuli as its centre stone.

Shibusawa's collection was mostly consisted of various jewels and precious stones. The ring was on of them; considered to be one of the most sought-after possessions, worth fifty million yen. The Port Mafia got hints that a certain man was trying to outbid any other bidders in order to get his hands on the ring. Now, the Mafia boss'... Uh, not his daughter, but the personification of his ability, Elise. She demanded to have the ring at any cost, so of course, it was now vital that Port Mafia manage to acquire the ring.

Since the ball was to be held the day before the auction, it was a good chance to scout the other bidders and try to figure out which one of them planned to outbid the Mafia. After that, that person was to be rendered useless on the day of the auction, of course. The Mafia truly implemented such simple measures.

Double Black, Dazai and Chuuya, chose to go on this mission as a vacation. They would be staying at a hot springs resort, travel by train, sightsee during their free time, and win a 50-million yen ring at an auction. It was the perfect vacation!

Presently, the duo were at that point of the vacation where they attend a stuffy ball. Really, for a pair of sixteen year old boys, such a thing definitely didn't sound fun at all. There was sure to be alcohol at the event, but Chuuya had been warned repeatedly to abstain at all costs. He was a lightweight, his shitty partner said. That was definitely not true! Chuuya could handle his liquor just fine, okay.

Unfortunately, his partner didn't seem to agree on that and made it very clear that he'd be knocking out any and every liquor glass from his hand. And that would cause a scene, which they weren't supposed to do. What a pain! Now Chuuya would have to get through a four hour ball without any alcohol. This was truly the worst.

Well, anyway, it couldn't be helped. He'd just have to put up with it, and hopefully find something interesting to engage in during the ball. For now, he was ready to enter the big dance room where the ball was being held.

Dazai complained as they made their way over to the bar, "This suit is so uncomfortable!"

An annoyed sigh could be heard from his partner, "I know that. But we're supposed to look more grown-up and classy for an event like this."

The taller of them chuckled, "Fufufu, more grown up, you say? But Chuuya still looks like a little chibi! The bartender will definitely not serve alcohol to a child. Looks like I don't have to worry about you getting drunk and passing out, Chuuya~!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was punched in the stomach, "Stop calling me short, asshole. And I already said I won't drink. By the way! Why the fuck do you get to drink, hah?!"

Dazai grinned as he pressed his index finger against his lips, "That's because I am not a lightweight, unlike you. I can hold my liquor."

Chuuya just ignored him, muttering profanities under his breath as he sidled up to the bartender to order a water for himself, and a whiskey on the rocks for his bastard of a partner. The bartender definitely gave him weird looks when he ordered water. Which, justified, by the way! Who the fuck orders water at a fucking ball? A D-grade loser, that's who.

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