Take Down Danzō Pt.4

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"Is that Six Paths Chakra?" Obito muttered, eyes as wide as saucers. He knew that chakra, he had it in himself. That divine, almost suffocating feeling. There was nothing else it could've been. He almost hadn't recognized it because of the fact that he hadn't used any of his in so long.

"What's going on!" Jiraiya demanded beside him, almost falling over from the widespread shockwave that just passed over.

"It's just one thing after another!" Shikaku commented as he feel over from the shockwave. The Chunin Exams, Hiruzens Death, Tsunade's retrieval and refusing to become Hokage, Shisui being admitted to the hospital, Rin's capture, Sasuke's Capture, Suna's peace treaty and the Akatsuki lurking in the background. That wasn't mentioning everything that was happening with Danzō and what he was doing. He'd growl in irritation if he wasn't so distracted by the shockwave. He probably had the most activity going on without their being a war. Just his luck, unfortunately.

Fortunately, for paper work sake, no buildings in Konoha had fallen and no deaths had been reported. Shortly after the shockwave passed, Anko had woken up and was surprisingly chill. They all had expected her to go on her temper rampage again which was why Asuma and Kakashi stood at the exits when she eyed them.

She raised her hand up in mock surrender. "I'm not going to do anything, ok?"

She looked to be telling the truth so they both moved away from the doors, settling on the long couch on the other side of the room. Kakashi sighed when he sat down.

"I honestly have no idea where we go from here." Too much was going on at once. He didn't know if this was planned or just bad luck but it seemed things happened one after another, each thing happening worse than the last and nothing ever being resolved. They hadn't solved anything that recently happened with the exception of the Chunin Exams. And even then they lost a Hokage.

"I'll have Hyūga, Anbu and Hunter-nin check out where that came from and go investigate." The answer came from Shikaku who was sitting thoughtfully. "As I said before I need you all to be here with me. We deal with one case at a time and Danzō is priority. He has the most power in the village. We only switch if Konoha is threatened directly."

"Don't bother." Came Obito's voice. It gained the attention of the entire room. "I'll go and investigate."

"Sensei?" Izumi quietly questioned. What was he thinking?

"No," came Shikaku's reply almost immediately. "I need you here. This situation~"

"Has more than enough people working on it." Obito interrupted monotony, silencing Shikaku. "We have most of Konoha's most talented in this very room. I have no doubt that you all can figure this out. Besides," he gave a lazy half shrug. "I haven't contributed much anyway."

"What's the rush?" This time it was Genma. He looked particularly more grumpy, most likely because he dropped his senbon when the strange phenomenon occurred. "You giving reasons to trying to leave as if what ever was happening was really important. Important enough for the Uchiha Clan leader to leave." His eyes narrowed in slight suspicion as did his voice. "Almost as if you knew what happened."

When he said that, something in Obito's gut hitched and seized. His face remained the same however. He was used to keeping a poker face in tight situations. Shikaku was a bit more subtle with how he had his own suspicion. He looked him in the eyes with a question. Do you know about what just happened?

Fortunately for him, Kurenai stepped in. "What with all these passive aggressive comments and looks? Are you suggesting that Obito had something to do with the phenomenons that occurred?" Even to her it sounded stupid and it seemed Genma agreed.

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