First Captured Jinchuriki

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Kakashi sauntered through the crowded streets of Konoha, his shoulders slack with his usual relaxed posture. He had no real destination to go to but it was better than staying in the house and doing nothing. Both Naruto and Sasuke were with Jiraiya and he doubted Sakura would want to do the same training that he'd probably run the boys through.

He shrugged inwardly. At least it gives him time to do something else. Maybe he'd go see what Rin was up to at the hospital, something he hadn't done in quite a while. After that thought came and went, his mind wandered to his other teammate; Obito.

Kakashi knew, for a while, that Obito was different from how he used to act. He was a lot more serious now, and though he still acted like an idiot from time to time it was still a lot different from how he used to act. Another thing was that Obito was strong; abnormally so.

It had been a couple of times when he'd notice that Obito was holding back during a spar or how he held back reflexes when his opponent went on the defensive. Kakashi has never said anything though, he was much too focused on trying to get a grasp of what his eye could do during his teenage years.

Kakashi spun on his heels, dodging the man he would've hit that was behind him. As he did so, someone caught his eye. Two people. It was Rin and Anko getting Dango from a stand, talking in casual banter. He decided to go over to say he, slowly and casually making his way over to them his mind, again, went back to Obito.

He hadn't seen his teammate in some time; 3 weeks to be in fact. Kakashi noted this like the 7th time Obito went somewhere without telling him, something he usually did without Kakashi asking. But he would say always since sometimes Obito would tell Rin instead of him if he went on a mission. But he was sure Obito wouldn't get sent on a mission, not when Kakashi knew he could be a Hokage candidate.

That was something else that bothered him. Wasn't it Obito's dream to become Hokage? Why would Jiraiya be sent to find Tsunade when, in his opinion, Obito would be just fine. Did Obito decline the job, or was there something else at play? Kakashi decided he'd ask Obito himself the next time he saw him.

"...Kashi. Kakashi!" A voice pulled him from his thoughts. When he took a look at where he was, he saw that he was at the stand where he had previously seen Anko and Rin. He must've walked over while his mind was drifting.

"Yo." Kakashi greeted casually. "What are you guys up to?"

"Eh, nothing much," Anko answered with a small shrug before finishing her last Dango with a sigh of satisfaction as the small group began to walk. "Just catching up."

"Yep." Rin gave a nod of confirmation, a smile on her face. "The hospital has been a bit busy since the aftermath of the recent attack." She started and Kakashi gave a small nod, understanding that sense he knew a sizable number of shinobi, as well as civilians, were injured and killed. "But I've been given a couple of days off to rest."

She'd been working for weeks with barely in breaks. She hadn't had the chance to see her friends much and this break would be her chance to catch up and enjoy herself. Not that saving people was something she didn't enjoy, quite the opposite really.

"Well, that was fun," Anko said aloud, stretching her arms before glancing at Rin. "But I've got some duties to take care of. You two go ahead and catch up." She sent a knowing glance at Rin before winking, causing Rin to blush at the implication. Anko laughed before using the Body Flicker to teleport away, leaving the former members of Team Minato to themselves.

They continued they walk in silence. It wasn't awkward or anything but Rin didn't know how to start a conversation while Kakashi was much of a talker. At some point, the Copy-nin has pulled out his infamous book and began reading, knowing it would give Rin something to start talking about.

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon