Kannabi Bridge pt.1

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I got up from bed groggily rubbing my eyes from sleeping before turning my alarm off. This was the first event of my life where everything turned to shit. I yawn as I get ready for today's mission hoping I won't screw up.

I jump from roof to roof over shops and people. I'm kinda nervous about this mission and it's unnerving me. I haven't felt nervous in 16 years and it comes all of a sudden I would do something to anybody.

I stop as I reach the training field where my team was already there waiting for me. I was gonna wait an hour but my nerves got the best of me making me only a few minutes late.

I got surprised looks as I walked into the clearing. I guess they expected me to be my usual hour late which isn't out of reason. I smiled brightly despite how I felt on the inside. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late."

"Well, you aren't that late. You ok Obito?"As his blue eyes looked over me. I swear his eyes looked like they could see into your soul.

I raised an eyebrow at his question was it so weird I was only a little late. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're always an hour late so I'd thought something was wrong if you were only 5 minutes late," Minato explained while both his other students nodded.

I waved a hand dismissively. "Naw, I'd just woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep."

Minato gave me another look before clasping his hands. "Well come on we have a mission and so we need to report to the Hokage."

We walked to the office in complete silence. I usually started the conversations in my team and if I didn't usually strike one up then it was silence.

When we finally entered the Hokage's office we were briefed on stuff like the last time before we were sent off.

As we went to the place where we were meant to split up as last night it was announced that Kakashi made Jounin and would lead Rin and me to destroy the bridge while Sensei would go assist an almost destroyed leaf platoon.

                                      3rd Person POV

"Alright," Minato looked at his students as we're supposed to split up. He didn't like the feeling he was getting and decided to finish his mission as fast as possible. He'd thought about voicing his thoughts but refrained from doing so as he didn't want his team thinking that he didn't believe in their ability to complete their mission. "This is where we split up. Good luck. Disperse!" And they were all off.

Obito, Kakashi, and Rin wasted no time in going to their mission. On the way there they sometimes argued and sometimes worked together getting closer as a couple of days passed on. They stopped to take one final break as their target was in sight. They were all tense as they were going into enemy territory.

It was worst for Obito. He hadn't wanted to be here even though he needed to be. He kept getting constant flashbacks that made him remember things he was pushing down deep inside him. And the more closer they got to their objective, the more flashbacks he'd get.

Kakashi looked up from a map that was in his hand. This was his first mission as a Jounin and he'd didn't want to screw up. He knew this mission could end the war a few months earlier if he didn't screw up. And so he took heavy precaution as to what they would do, how they would do it, and when. Which created arguments with Obito but he didn't care.

Kakashi turned to Obito looking over his features thoroughly. "Obito, you ok?" Obito's head tilted to the forest in front of the group as he felt something coming. It was that same Iwa shinobi.

The Iwa shinobi threw a volley of Kunai at Obito and Kakashi. It was so many it took them both to deflect them. Obito's mind went to what was supposed to happen while they were being distracted. He quickly turned to look where Rin was and found her knocked out with another Iwa Shinobi holding her.

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