Take Down Danzō Pt.5 (FINALE)

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Yea, hey guys. Been gone for like two months now but he I'm back. Kinda anticlimactic but you guys get the picture right? Hopefully

Well this chapter is long and I mean long. Like 22k words long. I wouldn't be mad if you couldn't read all this at once. Wouldn't be surprised either.

Anyway, I satisfied with most of the story of this chapter and where it will lead into the final arc of part 1. This is very different from canon since Danzō isn't in the leaf anymore. This will change things rather drastically but Urashiki's presence will do the same.

Thanks for reading this very long chapter. It was a struggle writing the start but once the middle came I got into a good flow. I've intentionally left Tsunade becoming Hokage ambiguous.

Chapter Start

The Village Hidden in the Leaves had calmed quite a bit from the shockwave that had ripples throughout it. Luckily it hadn't caused anything but property damage that was easily fixable. Every man, woman, and child were accounted for all across the village, including both civilian, shinobi, and even visiting tourist. With an public announcement made by the Police Chief villagers had went about their regular lives. Shops and restaurants opened and people started to come from their homes and walk about the village. Shikaku couldn't think of anything better at the moment as what happened was the best anyone could've hoped for.

Speaking of him, he was currently looking over the entire village in the same place he'd seen Hiruzen and Minato do many times. He was on the top of the Hokage's Office, wind fluttering his tied up hair. For some reason, it made him feel as if he was the actual Hokage. Sometimes it wasnt that bad.

"How troublesome." He remarked with a sigh. His gaze turned behind one of the four pillars that stood up on top of the building but he gave no movement to turn fully. Someone was interrupting his time to calm and relax himself. "Go ahead and come out already. You're bad at hiding your presence."

The person stepped from the shadows and he could feel the glare being aimed at his head. The same type of glare he felt at home when his wife did it. 'So a woman. What a drag.'

"What was that Earthquake!" She demanded and this confirmed she was indeed a woman.

"The Police Chief gave out a public anno-"

"He gave out a load of BS. That was no ordinary Earthquake; it had some type of chakra that was fueling it. I could feel it, so I have no doubt it was real." She explained in an interrupting outburst. He turned to see that it was Tsunade who had all but disappeared during her stay at Konoha.

Regarding her with a slightly raised eyebrow, he spoke. "And to what do I owe the pleasure? I thought for sure you would've been long gone by this time."

"None of your business." She replied stiffly as she crossed her arms. "I asked you a question first and I'd like it answered."

Shikaku said nothing in response, letting the wind cover the silence as he thought about how he should respond. Then it came to him. "It was from some kind of attack. And don't look my way. I know nothing of why or how it was caused and am in the same predicament as you. Now that I've answered your question, I'd like for you to extend the same curtesy. Why do you care?"

His gaze was even and didn't show if he would even care about the information he would receive. "I'm only doing this to extend curtesy. This is all you'll get from me." She clarified and he nodded in affirmation.

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