Kyuubi Attack

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Obito was on edge as he didn't go to sleep at all. He wanted to be careful as, just as last time, Kushina was pregnant and was due on October 10th. He and Kakashi were in charge of secretly following Kushina to watch her while he was at the office.

Minato became the 4th Hokage about a year ago as it was before Kushina got pregnant making him a lot busier than usual. This was also a test that Minato set for Obito and Kakashi as Kushina was a sensory nin and if she didn't sense them without really trying then their first mission as Anbu would be a success. And so far for almost 9 months they weren't seen or sensed so he would give them better and real missions to test their capabilities.

Rin was also directly helping Kushina. Like helping her walk or shopping and talking with her all day. She loved helping Kushina so she didn't mind at all.

"That baby is taking way too long to come out," Obito muttered as he and Kakashi were in a dark corner close to their Sensei's house where Rin and Kushina were in.

"Well it does take nine months and it's almost over so stop complaining. We're in Anbu now so we can't show emotions." Kakashi said in a whisper.

"I know that already," Obito responded before looking through the window at Kushina and Rin talking. "It just feels like it's taking forever." He said as Kakashi just stared at him.


Obito was tense all day. He was getting flashbacks and images of Minato and Kushina during the attack. He was gonna be ready for anything and even though he knows where Kushina is going to give birth he didn't go as he wanted to make sure Shisui and Itachi were safe.

Minato and Kushina

Minato smiled at their baby that they named Naruto. He was adorable and he wanted to hold him forever but he had to focus on the seal that was weakened. He didn't want the nine tails to break free and cause havoc.

"Get away from the Jinchūriki!" A deep voice demanded causing Minato to stop and turn around. Minato's eyes widened as he looked at a hooded figure who had a Kunai to his sons' head.

"Hey calm down?" Minato yelled desperately as he stepped away from Kushina after secretly placing a Flying Thunder God seal on the table Kushina was on.

"I'm as calm as I can be." The hooded figure stated calmly. Minato couldn't see his face but felt the chakra around his hood. 'It must be a Genjutsu he placed on himself.' Minato thought.

"What do you want?" Minato asked after looking over at the guards and the Third Hokage's wife struck down like they were nothing. He kept himself from gritting his teeth as he didn't want the man to think he would attack and put Naruto in danger.

"The Kyuubi of course." The hooded figure stated as if it were the simplest thing ever. Minato gawked but kept his calm and thought of an appropriate approach to the situation. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes as this guy had Naruto.

The hooded figure threw Naruto in the air and multiple Kunai at Naruto. Minato reacted on instinct as he quickly threw a Kunai above Naruto's head and grabbed Naruto while dodging most of the Kunai.

He looked at Naruto intensely looking for any signs of Naruto being hurt. That's when he heard sizzling noises from Naruto. He quickly turned Naruto around to locate what was making the noise as he found a bunch of explosive tags on the blanket around Naruto.

He quickly jumped off the wall and threw the blanket off before Jumping out of the exploding building already sensing that the man had taken Kushina. He looked down at Naruto as he hugged the baby, glad that he was safe. He looked at his leg that had a Kunai in it. He pulled out with a serious expression. "He succeeded in separating us." He said before teleporting Naruto to a crib.

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя