Uchiha Clan

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Obito awoke to a dull, white ceiling and the steady beep of a heart monitor. Dazed, he looked at the ceiling blankly before sitting up slowly and wincing. He could feel the sever drain on his chakra as well as a soreness. He must've been in the bed for days. He looked at his wrist to see a IV had been inserted then looked to his right to see the heart monitor.

He was in a hospital.

He let out a small, shaky breath as he clenched his fists. Despite being in bed for days his chakra had not come back. He hadn't get this drained even when he synced his eyes to Kaguya's Dimensions. But that was the least of his worries. Danzō had a Byakugan and Black Zetsu was already making his move.

He put a slightly shaking hand to his head. 'I really hope I'm overthinking this and Black Zetsu didn't come to the past with me. He's already making a move which was something he hadn't done before. He could just be doing something different since I'm not with him.'

The thought had to wait as the door to his room opened and Fugaku stepped inside, surprised to see the Uchiha awoke. Though he didn't show it.

Closing the door, Fugaku spoke, "It seems you are awake. I was under the assumption you'd be in a coma."

"Fugaku," Obito said slowly, confused. "What are you doing here?" He knew he wasn't part of the Uchiha except by name and blood so he had no idea why the older man was here. He also had nothing to give.

"The Mangekyō," the man started, locking into his widened eyes to gauge his reaction. "I was told that you have it."

'Fuck.' The Uchiha said, trying to calm down his rapidly beating heart. He wished he'd unplugged the heart monitor because it was telling Fugaku that he knew something with how it started to increase.

"How is it that you gained the forbidden eyes of the clan?"

Heat monitor going steady, Obito answered with a calming release of breath. "I-I don't know."

Fugaku gave him a look but only hummed. Obito watched carefully as the older Uchiha moved about the room, stopping just before him.

'He knows I'm lying.' Obito thought, holding back an anxious look with a mask of blankness.

The Clan Head sat down in the bedside chair, closing his eyes and running his aching temples slowly. "The elders have not been informed of this development per my instructions." He told the Raven as he opened his eyes. "But, despite my wishes, they do know of your Sharingan. They want a meeting held with you later today. I'm sure even you know what for."

Obito shuffled slightly in the warm sheets, his back lying against the raised half of the bed. "Tell them that I'm not interested. The same way the Clan wasn't interested in me."

Fugaku nodded and said, "Of course you know it will not be that easy. The Clan Elders are quite persistent on matters that have to do with the clan. Specifically, towards its prosperity."

"..." Obito said nothing, already saying his peace. His mind was more towards what he would do about the weakness in his body. He needed Hashirama's DNA. That much was apparent. He knew his chakra was gone for a different reason but the fact still stood that his emotions weren't in control and it would kill him if he was not careful.

But where would he get those cells? Madara. That was where.

Fugaku sighed before standing to his feet. "I will try to keep the elders off your back but they have their own ways to contact you beyond my control. But I have a favor to ask of you."

Obito watched his face carefully, attempting to find what the older Uchiha was looking for. He couldn't find anything, the mask the older man wore was too much for him to decipher.

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTWhere stories live. Discover now