Making Moves

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The Hooded Man sat on what looked like a throne. It was dark in the room and was surrounded by the Uchiha Symbol. Barely any light could be seen in the room, though he didn't complain. He liked the dark. It suited his personality quite well.

He got up from his seat, feeling the chakra of the man he had been waiting on. He stood in front of the chair until Pain had come into the room. Pain stopped in front of him, silently waiting for him to speak. This wasn't the first time a meeting like this was to be called, though Pain noted that for this meeting he had explicitly stated for Konan not to come.

"We are relocating in the Land of Earth." The Man stated. Pain wondered why did he think that it was a good idea. He told him earlier that the Akatsuki were to stay low-key for now and not bring too much attention to themselves. Moving close one of the biggest Elemental Nations would defeat the purpose of staying inconspicuous.

"Why?" Pain asked simply, keeping his other thoughts in his head. He probably wouldn't get an answer anyway.

"Because I think that we're compromised." The Man said, destain and hate laced in his voice. "Obito Uchiha. That man is stronger than he let on; way stronger, in fact. Somehow he knew what I was doing to Yagura and came down to fight me."

Pain nodded, even he didn't know how Obito had came across that information but, nevertheless, he was strong and that was a problem. "Why relocate in the Land of Earth? Why not just go back to the Hidden Mist?"

"That man knows to much. We'd be idiots to even be in the Land of Water." The man sighed, knowing his plan was being pushed back even more. He'd have to get ahold of the situation. "You're in charge of the Akatsuki fully. I'll be gone for a week to talk to our "friend". The Man walked to the entrance, leaving the room.

"Of course, Madara."


Obito sighed as his gaze landed on the sky. His talk with the other Tailed Beast went well enough but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that he didn't know what to do, he just didn't. Whoever this guy was wasn't working the way he did and that scared him. This guy was so unpredictable. Anything could happen and Obito didn't know if he could control it or not.

Should he follow the timeline?

That was the question he kept asking himself. Over and over to be exact. But he couldn't answer. If he did follow the timeline then so many things could happen. Unexpected death, a village could get destroyed, one of the villages might not cooperate, and so much more. If he didn't then all of those same things could happen. He knew he had strong assets. Itachi, Shisui, the Tailed Beast, and even the Sage Of Six Paths himself was on Obito's side. He could have Shisui just cast Kotoamatsukami on everyone but what would always remain would be Black Zetsu. He had to take the tree by its roots.

Though, the question was how? How would he do that? Black Zetsu is the type to never be seen unless he wanted to be. He didn't know how close Black Zetsu stuck to this new Madara or if even at all. He didn't seem anywhere around when Obito was fighting.

He sighed, he was starting to get a headache. He won't get anywhere filling himself up with what ifs. He had to let the timeline continue as normal. It was the safest and the least risky even though it had the same cons. He hoped Naruto and his generation would be stronger than they were last time. Because something tells him that the next three years won't be a walk in the park.


"Rasengan!!" Naruto yelled as he slammed the attack into a tree, blowing it up. An explosion of the tree bark could be heard miles away as smoke from the attack filled the air. When the smoke cleared the ground, Naruto panted heavily as he barely stood up on his feet. It had been more than 100 times doing this routine but he had to prove that no one had the right to look down on his dream. That he would become Hokage no matter what.

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora