Uchiha Downfall

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After tweaking their plan they set their sights on their teacher. They went to near the clearing but stayed in the forest as they didn't see Obito. He was gone from the area as they sensed the area and didn't sense him at all.

"Itachi," Shisui whispered to Itachi as the had just finished searching the perimeter.

"What is it?"

"I think we should try to track him." Shisui said. "We'll never be able to get those bells if we can't find him."

"True." Itachi said as he looked around the area. "But if he left any trace of himself we would've already found it."

Shisui thought about it before releasing a heavy sigh. "Dammit, you're right." Shisui looked up at the sky noticing how everything was so peaceful. There were birds who settled in trees while owls caught flight to find their food at night.

Shisui's eyes widened as he finally figured out what was going on. He turned to a startled Itachi. "Dude this is a Genjutsu!"

Itachi turned back in confusion to Shisui. "Really?"

"Yea. Now come on help me break it." He said before they both released the Genjutsu in sync.

They turned back to the clearing to find an Obito against a tree looking directly at them. "I knew you two would figure it out eventually."

(Genjutsu: False Surrounding World)

"How did you figure it out, Shisui?"

Shisui smirked. "I'd seen those animals in the sky. I thought of all the techniques we've been using so I knew that with the giant ones we were using there would be no way any animal would stay in this area."

"Good job. But the fight isn't over yet as you haven't even touched the bells. And it's almost morning so I'd make it snappy." Obito taunted.

Itachi and Shisui simultaneously went through different seals while syncing their chakra. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Itachi exclaimed as Shisui exclaimed. "Wind Style: Focused Air Current!"

Their attacks combined making the large Fireball a lot bigger and hotter. "Water Style: Water Shield!" Obito exclaimed launching a ball of water that turned into a Shield and deflected the Fire-based attack causing an explosion.

Itachi went through the explosion and with Shisui's Tantō in hand attempted to hit Obito. Obito dodges to the side as Itachi goes right past him. Itachi turns mid-air and throws the Tantō at Obito.

The Tantō speeds to Obito before exploding in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared Shisui stood in front of Obito holding up the bell. "And I think that's game."

Obito smiled as he scratched the back of his head. "Well, I guess you win and be ready to join my squad." He said as he looked at his students one more time before leaving the training field.

1 Day later At Fugaku's House

"So you're gonna tell them when Itachi turns 13?" Obito asked as he looked at Fugaku.

"Yes that's correct. I would've told Shisui but I didn't want him going on and telling Itachi."

"Yea he probably would've." Obito said in thought before coming back to their conversation. "So why did you call me here again?"

"Yes well," Fugaku started after clearing his throat. "The Uchiha have been given a chance to be the police of the village."

Obito internally 'yes' before getting back to the conversation. "Really and what would we be doing?"

"To enforce the rules of the village and keep peace. I feel this opportunity would be beneficial in keeping members of the clan happy and the elders of my back." Fugaku said grabbing the bridge of his nose at the thought of the elders.

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTWhere stories live. Discover now