Bold Choices

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Almost immediately, Minato snapped from his panicked daze and leaped to his feet, pulling out one of his signature three-pronged Kunai. His eyes only showed focus and determination, no longer the scared, surprised it was before.

He only gulped when the Kyuubi growled. They echoed off the walls and he could feel the oppressing air that surrounded the beast. He wondered where he was. Could he be inside the seal itself? Was that even possible?

Maybe it was. The seal was created by who was considered one of the best seal masters to ever exist. The thought had sent a shiver down his spine. He was actually looking at the real Beast. This was no illusion.

It was at this point that Minato had noticed his wife standing right in front of the seal that was on the golden gate, staring at it intently.

"Kushina!" He shouted before he could even think.

The loud yell carried quickly over the barren room and she turned to her worried husband. "Minato?"

He didn't hear her confused voice, reaching her as fast as his title implied and grabbed her by the arm.

"Where are we?" He questioned, gazing at the gate for any sign if movement. He wished she hadn't come so close because he was beginning to feel a bit nauseas being so close to the Demon. A gate that he wasn't even sure was secure was the only the only thing between them and certain death.

That thought alone...

"I don't know." Kushina answers after a bit of silence. She hadn't reacted much to Minato's presence and he was beginning to get worried because of that. On top of that, she didn't know where they were either.

"I woke up in this place and now my stomach isn't hurting anymore." She continued, slowly rubbing the large bar on the gate.

"I have a theory. I think." He added, with uncertainty. "We might be inside the seal. Like inside with the Nine-Tails."

"I thought that too but this has to be somewhere else." She looked very insisted on what she said and Minato rose an eyebrow. When she turned to see why he had gone quiet, she saw the confused look and continued to speak her thoughts. "This is not what the inside of the seal is supposed to look like."

Now Minato was even more confused and looked up at the large bars keeping the Nine-Tails back. "I don't get it, Kushina. Can you explain?"

She nodded. "When one becomes a Jinchuriki, whether they have talked with their Tailed Beast or not, eventually they go into their mental state within the seal. Inside it is a physical manifestation of the seal as we see here." She rose her hand briefly, gesturing to the large cage before them.

Minato nodded at the information, picking up on it quite easily from the very detailed and organized explanation given by his wife. He briefly went into thought. If this was true would that be the reason a Jinchuriki and its Tailed Beast could actually talk regularly and even become synchronized. It was very interesting.

The thought of a Jinchuriki of the Hidden Cloud popped into his mind.

"So, what you're trying to say is that this isn't the mindscape that you've accompanied with the Nine Tails?"

She nodded again and turned to him. "Yea, pretty much. I don't know why it changed though. It should never do that."

"I suppose we should be grateful it's still intact rather than why it changed like this, at least for now." He told her. His face had softened and he slowly walked to her before wrapping her in a tight hug. He felt her stiffen in his arm before she relaxed and wrapped her arms around him. "I thought I lost you."

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTWhere stories live. Discover now