Konoha Retrieval Pt. 9

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As Obito continued with his attack on Urashiki, the Leaf Genin continued their own hard fought battles.

'Naruto's leaving?!' Hinata thought from behind a tree, her Byakugan able to pick out the orange clad ninja chasing after another who had far exceeded her range long ago. She willed her body to stand, fear still striking through her. 'I-I have to help.'

Her body jilted in surprise and her head swiveled to where she heard Shino crying out in pain as Sakon toyed with him.

"Oh, calm down." Sakon chuckled, applying more force to his feet as it crushed the Aburame's head onto the ground. "Make this more fun."

She could no longer bear his screams and began to cover her ears but it didn't work. Though muffled, she could hear it as clear as day and her body began to tremble at the noise.

She knew if she helped she would be meet with a similar fate. The fact scared her into keeping still but the want to help her teammate was still in the back of her mind.

'Fang Over Fang!'

Two whirlwinds of fast moving creatures blurred into sight overhead, giving the sound Ninja time to only look up before they smashed into the ground. The ground picked up and debris from the ground jumped into the air as the Sound Ninja jumped away.

Seconds after they landed, the smoke cleared and Kiba and Akamaru stood side by side both letting out gnarly growls through clenched teeth. Standing in front of the almost unconscious Aburame.

Sakon smirked. It seemed another opponent came to die.

"Keep your hands off Shino!" He growled out, facial features turning feral.

"Jirobo let me handle this." Sakon eyes widened, his bloodlust flowing. "I want to hear his screams of pain."

"Don't worry I'll finish off the other brat." Jirobo said with his own smirk. They took a glance at each other before they moved almost at the same time.

Sakon dashed forward and Kiba barely reacted in time. He was able to put his hands before him before he was launched across the field as Sakon had slammed his body into him. He grunted harshly as he skidded along the ground but gained his footing almost like second nature. The Inuzuka was flexible and lifted his feet high enough to kick the Sound Ninja in the stomach hard enough to where he was sent into the air.

Kiba's body was relieved at the lack of weight on top of him and he flipped to his feet before leaping in the air after the other ninja.

As they fought Jirobo was high in the air and was about to smash down on the almost unconscious Shino when a hand had lashed out in front of him. Jirobo could not even dodge before he was sent flying back meters from a heavy punch to the face.

He crashed harshly into the ground and when he got up he bristled.

Choji stood before Shino with a determined glare.

"You fat ass!" Jirobo bellowed, face turning a angry shade of red. "I'll kill you!" He rushed forward and there fight begun.


As her squad members and such fought the Sound Four, Tenten had just landed beside Ino and began trying to dress her wounds the best she could. Luckily, the girl was alive, if only barely. Being hit by Urashiki's fishing rod, she had sustained a deep slash across her abdomen that had turned a bit green in areas. It would have very well turned into a live ending infection had Tenten had not come down.

She continued to dress the wounds, unaware of a presence stalking her from behind. Slowly, an injured man emerged from the shadow and limped to her from behind. The silent footsteps keeping her unaware of the Shinobi behind her.

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