Konoha Retrieval Pt.8

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Involuntarily, Urashiki gulped as the armor of chakra glared at him with such intensity it would put a star to shame. He'd seen this technique before, so many times, in fact that he was capable of ignoring the sheer power that flowed through them. But faced with Obito's intense hatred he could barely keep his face blank, his confident smirk that was always plastered on his face disappearing before he even knew.

"This guy..." he muttered in apprehension, wondering what was it that made his hatred so potent.

Obito was indeed livid.

It was not for the fact that anyone had been killed (he used his sensory abilities to make sure of that) but it was simply for the fact that he was an Otsutsuki. Despite his apprehension on fighting Kaguya, he was well aware of his intense hatred for her, Black Zetsu, and Madara. He had killed Madara but the the other two were ones he really had his eyes on. Madara was nothing more than a pawn like himself, but way back when, he killed the bastard to cleanse the earth of a bad soul. Although, he couldn't say he didn't do it for what the Elder Uchiha had did to him. He had not gotten over it no matter how far away it was ago.

"You must really have it out for me, huh?" The Celestial Being was able to mask his slight hesitation with an act of continued confidence.

Obito wasn't for anymore talking. Suddenly, he raced forward and reached the Otsutsuki so quickly that it was like he was an afterimage. He was barely able to put his arms up to block the massive fist that was fast enough it seemed to dissipate clouds and was sent spiraling through the air at uncontrollable speeds.

"Dammit," he gritted after attempting to right his movements only to fail. He didn't notice Obito was still rushing until he felt a huge presence above him.

Obito was that fast.

An axe handle strong enough to shatter a mountain slammed into Urashiki and he was sent into another, more powerful spiral that sent him crashing into the ground. Wind and dirt flew in all directions around the impact, almost able to pick up trees out of the ground roots and all.

Obito only looked down at his handy work with a small bit of confidence. He knew the Otsutsuki was far from dead but he was sure that if he was this strong than he actually had a chance to beat Kaguya if she ever were to emerge. Not that he would let that happen.

He preformed a single seal, and with a flare of chakra the fiery round surrounding the forest began to disappear from the top. He decided he would no longer need the barrier. He was confident he would be able to keep up with the alien in his Susano'o.

Suddenly, bright blue chakra shot out of the crater down below and speed at the Uchiha.

He looked as if it weren't there at all. Obviously, he didn't see it as a threat. The perception of his Sharingan caught its path almost immediately and he commanded his Susano'o to barely lift a hand to block the futile attempt to hit him. The deep chakra came into contact with his legendary chakra armor unique to the Uchiha but it didn't even graze the technique, merely being deflected until it slammed into the ground in the distance, causing a huge explosion that could barely be felt from where they were.

The entire time Obito only stood passively, looking blankly at his opponent below.

Below, on the ground, the dust began to settle and slowly Urashiki was revealed with an almost pathetic look on his face. Obito wanted laugh at the guy. His hand was outstretched but instead of his normal hand, an chakra cannon roughly the same size stood in its place. Urashiki had a look of utter disbelief on his face.

All of his attacks, or strength did nothing to the Uchiha before him. Once the war had started, Their clan had made sure to look up every member on each Clan of Konoha and among them, Sasuke was the strongest by far. No ones power but Naruto's even came close to his. But how was this man doing even better than he was. Perhaps, their information was wrong.

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