Chapter 44

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I had woken up late. I had work again tonight. It was only a three-hour shift. Today was the day I got the money from the Settlement. I quickly grabbed my phone and checked my account. Nothing yet. Damn, It would be insane to look in my account and see four-hundred and seventy thousand dollars.
I had been looking at places to buy. I would be checking out a place today. Harry was coming with me.

I wanted Harry to live with me until I turn eighteen at least. I loved having him around, especially since the last ten years I thought he was dead.

I got dressed and went to wake up Harry but he was already up. 'How so how was your night?' He asked. 'Really good.' I smiled a bit too much.
'Yeah?' He asked. I shook my head. 'Yeah. I made three hundred in tips.'
'Wow that's pretty good, nothing was exposed last night for the tips right?' It made me smile again.
Not that I will ever tell you, Harry.

'No.' I insisted. He just gave me an "I bloody hope so" nod. 'So you still coming to check the place out with me?' I asked.
'Yeah! Of course. Is it too mean to shot the master?' I felt like maybe I should be giving Harry a little something. After all, it was his mother's settlement too.

'Harry, about the money.'
'Before you ask. I know you are going to want to split it.'
'Yeah!' He sighed loudly. 'I don't think we should.' I stared at him confused.
'What do you mean?'

'Dad had one. A close friend of dads called.'
'Wait? Is that why you came back?'
'Kinda. I wanted to see you so bad. And I could only be in the city if I paid them off.'
'Right.' I understood, I couldn't blame him. I was in the same boat as him right now.
'I love you.' I said to him.

He walked up and gave me a big hug. 'I love you too Zo.' He smiled.

The place was just outside of the city, it wasn't huge or anything but it was pretty nice. A three-bedroom, two-bathroom place. It was about to foreclose.

We drove up, the front was a little messy but we could clean it up easily. I couldn't believe I was buying my own place. The places I had looked at before were all so expensive and way more money than I'd probably ever have.
I walked up the concrete drive. A man was standing at the door.

'Welcome, come on in.' He smiled I walked in. The living room was a nice size, it echoed just a bit.
It's pretty big considering the price. Harry whispered.
I walked from the living room into the kitchen, it was a big size kitchen. Bigger than I had at my place.
'There is a bedroom down here and two bedrooms upstairs. The master was down here, I walked up the stairs. Two bedrooms and the bathroom.

'What do we think?' The man asked. 'It's nice, what was the price again?' I asked.
'Three-eighty.' He spoke. Harry gave me a nod.
'Alright, I think I'll get it.' I was finally moving out. Hopefully, no more mob members will be dropping rats off to my house.

I was glad work was a short shift today. I couldn't wait to see Vance, he was actually so nice. It was his last night here so we were heading back to his hotel room again.

Tonight was even busier than last night at work.

'Hey, what can I get you?' I asked customers. Speaker louder over the music. 'Three vodka shots and three cosmopolitans.' A group of ladies ordered.
I waited by the bar for the drinks, people were on the floor dancing. It was a cafe in the day and a bar slash club at night. Plus the tips were always so good.
'Here.' Mike said placing the drinks on the tray.

I walked back over to the girls. 'Here you go.' I said placing them down.

The night went so much quicker. Tons of people to serve and money to earn.

I placed my things in my locker and headed out the front, it's where Vance was waiting.

'Hey.' I called out to him. He was wearing a tight black shirt that showed what was underneath. How I got someone like him was great, he was so hot. 'So how was work?' He asked. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

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