Chapter 50

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I'm sitting in the car outside my house with Harry. He has just shared what happened in the meeting.
Ezekiel gave him a gun, he has to shoot someone. They told him who but Harry didn't give that up. It makes me nervous us sitting here and him not saying anything.

'So you work for Ezekiel?' I ask. He nods. 'I will.' He's clutching the Glock in one hand. His face staring out the window.
'Can I borrow your car?' He asks me. I know why he needs it, he's like me in that aspect. He'll get it done as soon as he can so he doesn't have to think about it.

I take the keys out of the ignition and pass them to him.

'Be safe please.' I beg. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him. I don't need another life in my hands.
'I will.' He leans over and kisses my cheek.

I get out and walk towards the door. He hops into the drivers seat and reverses. I watch as the back of my car goes further and further.

Please god, I know I defiantly don't deserve any favours but keep him safe.

I sit on the steps and watch the door, I don't care how long it takes. I will wait till he comes home.

It seems like hours have gone passed. I am leaning my head against the wall, my bum is kinda sore but I don't want to move. My eyes have been closed but I am listening out for every sound.
Suddenly, I hear a jingle and the front door opens.

Harry walks in quickly, shutting the wood behind him. His face is calm.

'Holy shit.' I swear quietly. His shirt and arms are covered in blood, he even has a bloodied face. His eye looks like it'll bruise.

'What happened?' I ask standing up. He brushes past me. 'I need a shower.' He says calmly. He moves up the stairs and shuts me out of the bathroom.
My heart sinks.
I don't know what he's done. He doesn't have the gun with him. Did he shoot someone or did he have to beat them to death? The thought makes me sick.

I've cooked pasta for the both of us but we just sit at the table playing with it. I don't feel like eating and clearly he doesn't either.
'Are you okay?' I ask.

Out of nowhere he starts eating, swallowing food as if nothing has ever happened. 'Yeah, I'm all good.' He says plainly. I get up and grab a bag of frozen corn from the freezer, sliding it across the table.

His fists are bruised and cut up. 'Thanks.' He says. He takes another large bite and places the frozen plastic on his eye.

'You going to school tomorrow?' He asks.
'Yeah. Actually finished my homework and assignments for once.'
'That's good. You can make it Zo, keep your head down and study.' He finishes off the plate and takes it to the sink.

'Maybe you should quit your job? At the bar.' He talks. 'What? Why?'
'You just have so much going on already, working for Ezra, school is really important. If you don't keep up your grades you'll end up back in court.'
'I know. But we need the money.'
'I can earn the money. You've already payed everyone off and the house was payed for. I'll pay for bills you concentrate on school.' He explains.

Maybe that could work. I did actually wanna start trying in school again. 

'Yeah, maybe.' I consider. 'No maybe! You gotta graduate Zoie.' He encourages. 'Plus you're so smart, you can easily finish school.' I nod. If I actually studied hard I could do it. Maybe college was still an option for me after all.

'Anyway, I'm gonna head to bed. Night Zo.' He walked off up the stairs. I waited until I heard his door click shut and put my own plate in the sink. I'd clean it in the morning.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from Ezra.

"Guess your brothers in." He messaged. I guess he was. At least Harry would be safe from Da'Von and this random Uncle. The Ramos' would have his back now. He was with them, he'd proven that.
We both had.

My alarm woke me up, I got dressed and packed my bag. It looks like Harry had already done the dishes. I checked upstairs but he'd already left somewhere. I think he was going to have a look at buying a car this week.

I locked up the house and headed to school.

I couldn't see Elena or the others around, not that I cared much. I walked straight to my first class.
'Good morning everyone!' My female teacher spoke with a loud booming voice. It felt weird to be in a school setting, I had avoided it for so long.

'Today we are focusing on the wonderful book Crime and Punishment. Does anyone know what it's about?' No one puts their hand up. I haven't read it yet but considering my life choices and seems like something I'd get to know quickly.

'Well, we are going to read it and you will all write an essay based on your own depiction of what you think it is about.' She goes on. She walks through the class, handing out copies of the book. I grip it in both hands.

The title staring right back at me. School, so different from my life at home yet so relevant.

When lunch arrives I sit alone in the cafeteria. The food actually doesn't totally suck here, as I look around the room I see Elena sitting with the guys.

I grab my phone out and start texting Taylor.

"Hey, haven't spoke in a few days. How've you been? School sucks eating alone. Wish you were here." It's not long at all before I get a reply.
"Honestly SAME! I have been eating alone for so long I feel like I'm blending into the walls. Wish I could transfer."
"Why don't you?'
'I don't know, too much Hassel for my brothers I guess. Miss you though. How is class?"
"Boring. We are leaning about Crime and Punishment in English."

'Wow, that's familiar."
"Right?!" I smile to myself, I feel like a dork but I don't care. I miss Taylor so freaking much.

"Hey, sorry have to go. Class is about to start again. Talk later? x" She replies. I click my phone shut and stare at everyone around.

Kids chatting and getting along. God I feel so lonely right now. I'm thankful when the bell rings and I have another class to head to.

I collapse into the couch when I get home. My mind is melting from my last class. Physics. Not a chance I wanna do that again.
I place the Crime and Punishment book on the dining table.

'Is this a hint hint or something?' Harry asks, picking up the book. 'Might be hey?! I have to read it for class. Write an essay on what I think it means.'
'Damn, I do not miss school.' He smiles.

'Have you heard anything from Ezekiel yet?' I ask. He runs a hand through his hair. 'Yeah, gotta job tonight.'
'What kind of job?' I say opening my laptop. 'Just delivering something.' He says subtly. I don't even know if he knows what he's delivering but I don't ask.
'Have fun with that.' He points back to the book.

'I'll try.' I say sarcastically. I write the title in a word document and sit back in the chair. Where the hell am I even meant to start?

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