Chapter 10

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Julian and I had been hanging out so much, mostly in secret. We went to the beach a few days ago. There was this quiet one that no one really knows about. It was nice, it felt real. Normal.
Then we watched a movie and just hung out. It still felt weird though. Uneven, it didn't really seem like Julian. Like it did, a good side of him but he always seemed a little tense.
Mostly we just hang out at the gym, his brothers don't come by much and Taylor is never there.

I feel bad about the whole thing. I have to talk to Taylor, it feels like lying. It is lying and I hate it. I also haven't talked to Hannah in a few days. We'll chat but it feels distant.

I've texted Hannah and Taylor and the girls are coming over for a night. Watch movies and catch up, I know it feels like my fault we've been distant. But at least I have more time now I'm not tutoring Bason even though I won't be getting that recommendation.
The door chimes and I rush from the kitchen to get it. 'HEYY!' Taylor and Hannah yell together.
I urge them in and we walk to the kitchen.
'I'm glad we're hanging out! We haven't done it lately and it sucks. I miss my girls.' I say. Hannah hugs my shoulders. 'Yeah! We've been so busy and everything but we're here now.' Hannah mentions.

'I'll be back! I need to pisss.' Hannah says. She quickly rushes off down the hall. This is my chance to talk to Taylor. I couldn't lie no more.
'Hey I need to tell you something!' I say damply. She doesn't say anything.
'It's about Julian.' I go on.
'You've been dating?!' I don't reply this time. I'm not exactly sure what to say. 'Uh...'
'Don't stress, I know. 1. I'm not an idiot and 2. The twins told me you came to the warehouse.'
'I was going to tell you!'
'I know!' She interrupted. 'I'm not mad or anything. Julian has been better lately.'

'Happier.' She explained. 'But I am worried for you.'
'What do you mean?' I asked. 'Our family is complicated.'
'What family isn't?'
'I'm serious. We come with a lot of backlash. I just don't want you to get in the cross fire. My brothers try to keep me out of everything but I still am in you know?!' I stayed quiet. I had a feeling it was about the family "business."
'Just you're my friend and I don't want to see you hurt.'
'That's really sweet of you and I promise I'll be okay.'

'It's not just that.' She went on. 'Julian...he has a past.'
'What does that mean?'
'He used to get in fights a lot. Like our dad, acts before thinking. He used to drink a lot and..'
'Why are you telling me this?'
'Because I'm worried, about you and Julian. He's my brother, you're my friend. I'd hate to lose either of you, you know?' I kind of understood.

I hadn't known about Julians past. I had told him mine but he had never told me about his. Now that I thought about it I had told him almost everything about me and I knew nothing.
'Yeah! Thanks for letting me know but I'm okay. Are you okay?' I ask. She smiled and hugged me.
'Yeah of course! Though if you get married I'm a bridesmaid.' She joked. 'Of course.' We giggled.

I was sitting on the couch with Hannah and Taylor watching Mean girls, we were up to the part where the gay guy says "She doesn't even go here!" Classic. Hannah had practically fallen asleep and Taylor was laying down. Her head on my lap, my phone buzzed and I clicked it open. It was a text from Julian.
'Hey wanna hang? I'm at home and brothers are gone. Not sure where Taylor is.'
'Who is it?!' Taylor asked. Eyes locked to the screen still. I had to be honest with her, she's my best friend. 'It's Julian.' I say. She quickly bounced up and snatched my phone.
'He wants you over at ours?'
'Uh yeah! I've been over twice.'
'When no one else is home?!' She asks curious. 'I have to ask! Have you... with him?'
'NO! No, we've just been hanging out.' I feel my cheeks go red.

'Okay, I wouldn't care. I was just curious.' Now her cheeks were red. 'Have you kissed?'
'Yeah!' I felt weird telling her cause she was his sister. 'Ew gross!' She said laughing. 'Ask if he can hang tomorrow! I promise I won't invite you out anywhere.' Taylor said. She laid back down and slid a pillow onto my legs. 'I ship it!' She said before going back to watch the movie.

I was really glad Taylor was okay with it. I thought maybe she'd feel weird about it but she claimed she wasn't.
'Taylor is with me and Hannah right now. Girls night, can you do tomorrow?' The reply took a bit but I felt excitement when he did.
'Sorry can't! Family thing on, work with Ezra and Zeke.'
'Are you ever gonna tell me your family business?' I ask curiously. 'Well what do you think it is?'

Well, I know Gabriel joked about killing someone and I know it was a joke but then I saw him and Julian dealing drugs which still made me on edge and then Julians secret fight club. Plus the creepy warehouse on the outskirts of town.
'I don't know! You're family runs a gang or something?! Hahaha.'
I had meant it as a joke but then my heart started to stop when it did slightly make sense. Too much sense.
All I knew was Taylor's family worked in "International trade" whatever that freaking meant. I looked down at Taylor. She was innocent, kind. There is no way she came out of a gang family, so it was just impossible.

'It's a joke! Clearly you don't do that!' I quickly replied again. He still hadn't answered. Taylor was laughing on my lap. Hannah had woken up and was kind of watching the end of the movie.
'Haha yeah! That's crazy, look I got to go! Talk later!' Julian answered. I was sad he had to stop texting but now the thought of the "family business" was the only thing on my mind.

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