Chapter 60

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'Aren't you glad your room is downstairs?' Harry joked. 'Defiantly.' I agree. My stomach is killing me and that cut on my leg wasn't so little. It is a fucking pain in the ass to walk on. 

I sit down on the couch and sigh. 

'I guess I'm not gonna get my car back.' 
'Yeah, it's a bit of a goner.' Harry mentioned. 'And I have to pay for the damage on the other car.'
'I've seen it, it's not too bad. I actually offered them for me to fix it. No insurances involved, for free of course.'
'You can fix their car?' I sounded shocked. 'I'll need to get some parts and whatever but it's not impossible to fix. Plus Reggie is a good mechanic as well.' 

Reggie was one of the guys that worked for Ezekiel. I had seen him with Miguel a few times. Working on cars. 
'He said he'd help?'
'Yeah, we're good mates now.' He insisted. 'And who said the criminal world was a hard place to make friends.' I joke, shaking my head. 'Yeah, well he's coming over later anyway.'

'Something I've stored in the garage he's gonna pick up.'  I didn't know what was in our garage but I didn't wanna know. Obviously it had something to do with the Ramos family. 

'Oh and I got you this.' Harry walked to the dining table and came back. He outstretched his arms. A wrapped present. 

'Happy birthday Miss Zoie Carter.' 
'Serious?' He nodded confidently. 'Yes, I am serious. Open it up, go on.' I too the small present and unwrapped it. 
It was a box, I opened the lid. Inside was a key, a car key?' 
'What is this for?' I asked confused. 

'Well, since you ruined your car. I got you a new one.' 
'Seriously? You brought me a car?' He leaned over and kissed me on the head. 'Of course! Happy birthday baby sis.' He emphasized on the word baby but I let it be. 'What is it?' I ask. 

'Well, WHEN you can drive again. You'll be driving a Mitsubishi lancer evolution.' He smirked. 'Wait seriously?'
'Thanks, they're cool cars.' 

'I mean, they aren't too bad.' He patted himself on the back. 'I apricate it Harry.' A knock sounded at the door. 

'Come in!' Harry called out. The door opened and in walked Taylor, Julian in tail. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!' Taylor screamed bursting my ear drums. She leapt onto the couch and brought me in for a hug. Squeezing my insides out. 

'Here.' Taylor handed me a present. I opened it up, it was a bunch of super cute dressed and some new makeup pallets. 'I love it!' I couldn't stop smiling. 

'Good cause when you are all healed we are going clubbing again. No stabbings, not annoying guys. Just us girls dancing.' Taylor grooved. 
'Happy Birthday Zoie.' Julian handed me some chocolates and more flowers. 'Thank you, these will defiantly help me heal faster.' 

He came over, leaning down and giving me a hug. 

'You guys didn't have to do anything for me though.'
'Of course we do! You're my best friend and well he's just Julian. Also Gabriel and Kaden told me to tell you happy birthday as well.'
'Oh, that was nice of them.' I chuckle. 

'So, today we are watching movies, cheating on our diets and doing our nails.'
'Okay one, you're "cheat day" is every day and two i'm gonna pass on the nails.' Julian mentioned. 
'Yeah, if we are passing on things i'll pass on nails to. Just not my thing.' Harry agreed. 

'NO! Everyone is getting nails done.' Taylor ordered. 'Great now I know why Gabriel passed up on coming.' Julian teased. Taylor stuck out her tongue. 

I was so glad they were here. Last birthday I had mum and Hannah with me, this year I didn't. But I had Julian and Taylor and Harry this year. It wasn't perfect but it was great. 

Taylor had fallen asleep on the couch, he had practically pushed Harry and Julian off it. Harry had left when Reggie came over. Was Reggie gay? Were Harry and Reggie a thing or were they just friends. 
I wasn't sure about all that yet. 

I sat at the dining table with Julian, we were gorging on the chocolates he brought. 

'We should really save some for Taylor, she'll be mad.' I joked. 'We should.' Julian agreed before eating more. 

'So, I know your birthday wasn't what you were expecting but did you like it?' He smiled. 'I loved it, I spent it with everyone I cared about.' I was really glad it was a relaxed birthday. Spending it chilling was perfect, even if it was because I had cuts and bandages all over me. 

'I've missed you, you know.' Julian said out of the blue. I looked him in the eyes. I pushed the chocolates away now. 'I've missed you too!' I admit. I did miss him, it's been a crazy few months and some days I had wish I could go to him and just talk to him about it all. 

'How are you going?' I asked him. I did really want to know. Last I heard he was drinking his problems away. 
'You mean the drugs and alcohol?' He hushed his voice a little. I could sense his mind wondering. 

'I've been sober for two weeks now.' 
'Yeah, since Luis sent that photo of you actually.' Since he sent the photo?

'WAIT? Didn't he send it only like a few days ago?' My voice became shaky again. 'He sent it two weeks ago. I thought you knew, I though you only found out a few days ago though.' He explained. 
My heart dropped again. 

'No, I thought he sent it that night.'
'Jesus, I am so sorry Zoie. God, I swear I am going to kill him.' He threatened. 'That makes three of us.' I shrug it off. 'Three?' 
'Harry wants to kill him too. But he might not get that chance, I wanna kill him as well.' I laugh off. 'I just can't believe I fell for it all along.' I rub my eyes with my palms. It surely has been a very long few weeks. 

'I should have confronted him when he sent me that damn photo. I should have let him touch you ever again.' 
'I don't blame you.' I try to calm him down. 'I mean, I did. When I first found out I was so mad at you but i'm not anymore.' I confess. 

I don't want to hold onto any more anger, I want to let it go. 

Julian stood up abruptly and moved closer to me. He placed my head in his hands and kissed me. I stood up and kissed him back, my hands on his chest. 

Everything felt better again, like it had so long ago. Like all that time we missed never happened. Hard passion between us. We moved, connected to my bedroom. 

He closed the door and I went to lie back on my bed. He walked over smiling, and again we kissed. His hands finding a familiar place on my body. I quickly took my clothes off and he did the same. 

'I don't want to hurt you.' He admitted. I kissed him deeply. 'You wont.' He leaned down and started kissing along my body. 
He kissed my thighs, every touch felt like fireworks. My hear beat race and my body felt hot. I opened my legs and bent down. 
'Happy birthday Zoie.' He winked. He started eating me out. It was so sweet, his tongue doing tricks on my body. I moaned in extreme pleasure, this was so good. Better than I had ever felt. He moved back up but didn't stop kissing every inch of my skin. 

His fingers inside me, sending shock waves along my body. He moved back up to my mouth and started kissing again. Then he was inside me, soft and sweet but fast at the same time. I groaned loudly. 
He laughed a little, placing his hand over my mouth.
'We can't wake my sister.' He smiled. I smiled too but I was embarrassed.

I turned him onto his back, making all kinds of words with my hips. My hands pressing against his chest as we moved. Now he groaned and I loved it. 

I moved a little fast and he groaned even louder. 

'Shhhhh!' I reminded him. 'We can't wake your sister.' I smiled, blushing. My body was a mix of hot and sparks. I moved down and got on my knees on the bed. 

'You don't have to!' He insisted. 'I want to.' I smiled. He smiled and leaned his head back. 
Then I sucked him off, I wasn't a pro at this but I think he was enjoying it. I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel. 

I came up and sat on his waist. 

'I fucking love you!' He said with his eyes closed. I could feel his body tense up and he opened his eyes. 'I....' He went to say something. I don't think he knew he was saying it but I could tell he meant it. 

'I love you too.' I smiled. We just looked at each other for a moment, then he smiled and rolled me onto my back. 

'Ow!' I flinched in pain. 'Shit, I'm so sorry.' He swore. I tried to shake away the pain. 'I'm okay.' 
'We can stop.'
'No! I don't want to.' I didn't want to leave this moment, our bodies connected. It was the best I had felt in months and I wanted to clutch onto this feeling. Because I really did love him. 


Hey everyone, as you can tell the last few chapters have defiantly been a bit raunchy. I am working on the next chapters now so get ready for some fun stuff. 
Did you see Luis being another brother coming? Leave a comment whether you did or not I wanna know. 

Also the accident, that was kind of last minute idea what worked pretty well I think. Anyway, hope you're enjoying and leave a comment and rate if you like the chapters! 



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