Chapter 34

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My phone was buzzing. Who was texting me so early?
The time on my phone read six thirty four. I opened my phone and glanced at my messages. My chest tightened miserably.
It had come from Andrew.
Beside me Julian was still dead asleep, he was so lucky he could sleep like that.

I reread the message a dozen times in my head.

"I am no longer at the house. Feel free to call it yours again."

The text was so simple. So half ordinary, it pissed me off.
This was coming from the same man who less then a week ago had pointed a gun in his daughters back and dared to shoot her, kill her.

'You all good?' Julian mumbled in his sleep. His eyes still closed, he moved his hand heavily and squeezed mine.
'Yeah, all good.'

Maybe I should go back. I needed new clothes, I mean I could easily wash them here but I still didn't wanna keep wearing the same stuff.
Plus he said he wasn't there, or was it a trap? There had been no word that the twins weren't giving Andrew what he wanted so maybe it was all good.

I got up and pulled some jeans and one of Julians tops. It smelt like him, warm and like honey.
'Where you going?' He was perched up on his elbow now. His eyes still half closed.
'I'm just going out for a bit, go back to sleep.' I kissed his head and he collapsed back into the pillow.
He was such a pretty sleeper.

I grabbed some stuff and walked upstairs. Surprisingly the twins were awake.
Cooking...well attempting to cook eggs. The eggs were a brown colour and the bacon beside it black.

'Good Morning.' Ezra said. His voice scratchy and deep. He sounded annoyed, like he hated me. I loved it, I had missed it. With the twins mood swings out of control lately it felt good to be hated by them. So normal.

'Where you going?' Ezra asked. Ezekiel looked like he had been hit by a bus, hungover. How much had he drunk?

'Um, just out.' The guys didn't say anything. Looking more tired than two minutes before.

'I'm going to my place.' I answered. 'Just get some stuff.' Now they looked partly concerned. It partly annoyed me.
'Isn't your...' I shook my head.
'He left.' I answered before Ezekiel even asked.
'I'll be back later maybe. Can you guys not tell Julian?' I asked.
I didn't want Julian getting worked up, thinking Andrew was still there. He wasn't. I hoped.

'Need a ride?' Ezra asked. I stared blankly. Was this his attempt at babysitting?
'No I'm good, have my own car.'
'Oh thank god, I regretted asking as soon as I said it.' He smiled chiperly. I rolled my eyes.
'See you later.'

I walked out of the house. The air was cold and I wish I had gotten one of Julians jumpers from downstairs.

I hadn't be home in so long. I missed my bed, maybe Julian could stay at mine for a few days. We had been at his for so long, it's not that I didn't like it but I liked living alone. It had always felt so nice.

The drive wasn't too bad. People were still getting up so it wasn't bumper to bumper yet.
As I pulled down my street everything looked normal. I half expected black cars with guys waiting for me to arrive but nothing.
I parked the car and waited, Andrews return had put me on edge.
I was doing double glances over my shoulder. Not that I hadn't been before.

I got out after a few minutes. Mrs. Tracey was watering her plants or attempting too. I wasn't really sure what she was aiming at.
I went to unlock the front door but I didn't need to.
The door was unlocked, a shiver crawled along my spine.
My heart beat began racing.
I pushed the door open a little bit. I put one foot in the enterance way.
Every inch I crept forward was giving me miniature heart attacks.

I quickly walked inside, ripping the bandage off. Closing the door behind me.
I closed my eyes tightly.
'Hello?' I called.
A lump in my throat.
I crept down the hall just a little more.
'Hello?!' I called a bit louder. My heart not settling for a minute.
I walked down the hall and peeked round the corner into the tiny kitchen.
My heart stopped, my eyes wide and my jaw dropped.

'MUM!' I screamed.
Mum was standing in the kitchen with earphones it. She quickly turned, a giant grin on her face.
'ZOIE!' She called. She ran up to me, her arms wrapping around my neck tightly.
'I...can't...breath.' I chokedwith joyful tears. She pulled away. Her hands cupping my chin.
'Oh my god! You're as beautiful as ever.' She smiled cheerfully.
'What are you doing here?' I asked stunned.
'I wanted to surprise you.'
'Well I am surprised.' I cried. We hugged again, my tears fell rapidly soaking her blue sweater.

'How have you been?' She asked. I shook my head. Everything was rushing back to me now. Andrew, what he said about Harry. I felt so betrayed that I let him stay here. God knows what he did here alone.
And mum.
I had lied to mum, I couldn't. I couldn't lie to her anymore, not about him. What if she ran into him in the shops or something.
I couldn't even think about that.

'Mum, there is something I have to tell you. It's really important.' Her smile faded a tad but it was still there.
'What's up?' She asked hopefully.
'It''s about...' suddenly something loud went off. It was coming from outside.
It sounded like a car crash.
Mum and me quickly went into the hall.
Another loud crash sound, like breaking glass. I walked up to the living room window.
My voice empty and gone.

There standing by my car were people I didn't recognise, and one I did.
Perfect fucking timing. I thought, of the worst timing. A knock sounded at the front door and mum approached. My heart raced, I couldn't breath.

'Mum don't answer that!' I yelled. She stopped and glared at me.
'Don't!' I called. She stood frozen.
'Zoie? What's going on?' She asked. I ran past her and grabbed my phone from the kitchen counter. I had to call Julian.
'Just don't.' I told her again. She didn't move.
Another knock sounded at the door, heavier than before.
'Zoie, did you see what happened outside? What's going on?' Mum took a step towards the window.

'No!' I shouted. Don't move. Don't look.' Worry and confusion rushed over her face.
'Hello? We need help!' Someone called from behind the front door.
'I have to answer this Zo.' She called.

The phone was ringing.

'Mum, I'm begging please don't. Please, don't do it.' I cried.

Hey Everyone, thanks for reading. I really hope you like my story so far.
Hope you're feeling all kinds of emotions but it's not done yet.

Please rate and leave a comment if you like the story and tell your friends about it if you think they'll like it too.


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