Chapter 54

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I sat nervously in the drivers seat of my car. I was gonna meet Luis somewhere else but then we changed last minute, I was meeting him at a cafe now. 

I had never been there here before but it seemed nice. It was outside of town, the beach right across the road. I could smell the salt in the air. Now all I wanted was to wash the waves over me, could I cancel on him? 

The twins would kill me if I did though, and plus I don't know if salt water is good for stab wounds. When I had changed the bandage this morning it had seemed not so bad, but also very bad at the same time. 
I had to do this, there was no choice. 
I got out and walked to the front doors. It wasn't very busy today, somehow that made me more nervous. 

There was a tall thin man standing behind a stand. 'Hi, welcome. Eating alone today?' He asked. His words full of judgement. 
'Uh, no. I am meeting up with a Luis....' Shit. I don't think I even knew Luis' last name. The thought left me stumped. 'Oh we have a Luis, follow me.' I followed the guy through the restaurant or café or whatever this place was. 
We walked outside and there he was. Sitting at a small table, looking out at the water. 

'Here you go.' The man spoke. 'Hey!' I smiled. 'Hey, how you doing?' To my surprise Luis stood up and gave me a welcoming hug. I wasn't sure why the Ramos brothers didn't like him.

I sat down and put my phone away. 
'So , this place seems nice.' I say awkwardly. I hadn't been on a real date in so long. WAIT? Was this a date? Or was this just a friendly lunch. I had no idea. I decided not to say anything about it in case it was something else. 
God, I felt embarrassed and nothing had even happened yet. This was ridiculous.  

'Yeah, it's going pretty good. Better now I get to see you.' He smirked. His expression seemed so familiar, cheeky and hot. I tried to hide my blush. 'Clever.' I shake my head smiling. 
'Anything you recommend?' I ask. 'They make a mean chicken wrap.' 
'I do love a chicken wrap.' 
Maybe this wasn't so hard, he seemed so sweet and carefree. 
I had almost forgot I was hear to get intel for Kaden. 

'So, when did you move to LA?' I begin to question. 'Well, I moved here when I was younger. But somethings happened with my family eight years back and I moved away again. I guess, it just seemed like the right timing.' He explained. 

'You said you were an old acquaintance of Kaden Ramos'? Did you guys go to school together?'
'Uh, technically. We went to the same school but different grades.'
'Oh right! Kaden is twenty-six.' Luis made a little chuckle. 

'Yeah!' He smiled. 'You know, I'm glad you used the number and not the napkin.' He was so charming. 'Oh no, I still used the napkin.' 

'Fair enough. So how do you know Kaden Ramos exactly?' Now he was questioning me. I wasn't sure how he knew I knew Kaden the first night we met, but my mind slipped past that. Maybe he had seen us together.

'I uh.... I went out with one of his younger brothers.' I blush. I can't believe I was telling him this on a most likely date. 'Oh, it's uh...Gabriel right?' He asked. I bit my bottom lip. This was awkward. 

'Actually Julian, do you know him?' Luis's eyebrows raised. 'Oh wow, uh yeah I did know him once.'
'You seemed really shocked?'
'He was just a crazy kid back when I knew him. He was twelve and he started doing drugs cause he met this girl name Vanessa or....'
'Veronica?' I ask.

'Yes, that's it. Veronica.'

'It was hard to think what Julian was like at twelve. Julian said that's when he started doing drugs. That's so young, it seemed so... wrong.

'They ended up dating for a while.' I choke out a laugh. 'No shit! She was just a kid back then but she had a major crush on Ezekiel.' 
'Yeah, I don't understand that. I have no idea what she would have seen him him.'
Luis began to laugh it made me laugh a little. He seemed like such a good person to talk to. 

'You don't like him?'
'I'm not his biggest fan and he's not mine.' I inform. 'So it seems you know them a little better than acquaintances.' The Ramos brothers didn't like this guy, in fairness they didn't like anyone but still. 

'You could say we grew up together, but we lost touch and I guess acquaintances is just how it turned now.' He explains. 

'Anything happen?' I budge. 'I guess we just had different points of views that.....clashed. Those boys like to have it their way or no way.'
Now I raised my eyebrows. I knew that well enough, you didn't get much choice being around them. They did have a business to run but still. 

'So you dated Julian. How did you meet?' He asked me now. 'Their sister Taylor was new at my school and we became best friends.' 
'Interesting. God, Taylor. She was such a little kid when I knew her. Can't believe she'd be all grown up now.'

'Yeah, time seems to fly right?'
'That's for sure.' Finally a waiter came over. 'What can I get for you today?' He spoke. 'Ladies first!' Luis charmed. 

'I'll try the chicken wrap.' I note. A small smile spread across Luis' face. 'I'll have the same.' The waiter walked off. 

'So, what do you do when you're not working at the bar?' He asked me. 'Actually, that's what I do mostly. Apart from that I go to school or at least I try to and I.....' SHIT! I caught myself off guard. I almost actually said I work for The Ramos brothers. 

But I'm not that much of an idiot. Luis knew them from way back, surely he knew what they did. What they ran, plus I didn't completely believe him when he said he was a mechanic. 

'And that's it actually.' I quickly correct myself. 'Though I do like to party every now and again.'
'Yeah? Partying is always good, especially while we're young.'

'I agree.' I took a sip from the water that was already on the table. I had to watch what I was going to say. I could never make a slip like that again. 
'So, any particular reason you moved back?' I asked again. He sat quiet for a moment. Did he know why I was asking? 
Surely not.

'I just want to make up with Kaden and his brothers actually. I think it's time to.....make things right once and for all.' He paused heavily. I felt a tickly run along my spine but Luis did seem genuine. I could see the tiniest bit of emotion in his eyes. 

'You know I am really glad we did this.' He spoke. His dark eyes staring right into mine. 'You seem like a really nice person, plus you're incredible beautiful.' He charmed again. I was blushing hard now. 
'You're not too bad yourself.' I threw back. 
I didn't care why Kaden wanted intel on Luis, he genuinely seemed like a nice person. I was starting to actually like him. 

I wiped my face on a napkin and took a sip of my water. 'Here you go.' The waiter walked up, placing the bill on the table. I went to reach it but Luis stopped me. 
'I did say I would pay for your company again.' He took the bill. I looked up at the waiter who definitely got the wrong impression. 

'Oh my god.' I blushed and hid my face in my hands. Luis just laughed. 'Uh yeah, I didn't mean it like that.' Without saying a word the waiter took the money and walked off. 

'Nice save.' I shook my head. 

He walked me back to my car. 'We should do this again sometime.' He spoke. I leaned against the drivers door. 'Yeah, I'd like that.'

'Honestly though, I have been thinking about doing something since I saw you walk into the cafe today.' 
'Yeah?' I asked. I felt nervous again but not scared. He leaned towards me, placing his hand on my chin. His fingers brushing against my skin. 

I let it happen. 

Our lips touched, his warm and sweet. Soft and hard at the same time, his other hand found my waist and pulled me into him a little more. I stood there, unsure of where to put my hands. But before I could find a place he was pulling away again. 

'I'm sorry, I just had to do that.' He blushed now. 'No, it's okay. I liked it.' 
'Cool.' He took a step back. 'I should really go though, my brother is probably wondering where I am.' 

'Of course!' I opened my door and closed it again. Winding down the window. 
'I'll call you!' He waved me off. 

That had gone a lot better than I had expected. I could still taste him on my lips. I couldn't stop blushing, smiling. He had been so gentle and sweet. Don't tell me I was falling for him too!


Hey Everyone, chapters are finally being updated and new ones written. Sorry it's taken so long lot of personal shit lately but more will come. 

Hope you guys are enjoying and don't forget to leave a comment and rate if you like reading this book. 


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