Chapter 58

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It had been two weeks since I had first slept with Luis. Been two weeks since I last spoke to Julian. More importantly, two weeks since Ezra had kissed me. Part of me still didn't believe it had actually happened. 

I had met up with Luis a few more times and I had actually come out and told Harry I was dating someone. He had wanted to meet Luis right away but I had technically lied. I had admitted he was older than me, but I hadn't shared that he was closer to Harry's age than mine. 

Harry probably thought he went to school with me or something. And that would have been the smarter option, date someone who actually went to school with me. 
But between lounging in the back of classrooms and eating alone at every single lunch, I didn't have time to make new friends I guess. 

Plus I had been given some more shifts at the bar, so that took up my time. But no jobs from any of the Ramos brothers, at least not yet. I wasn't sure if Ezra was avoiding me or.... actually I had no idea. 

It was killing me a little, things would be very awkward between us now. Would I still work for him or would I be working for Kaden now? As long as I didn't work for Ezekiel, that would defiantly be worse. 

My phone buzzed, it was a text from Luis. I had spent all day yesterday with Taylor and it was almost impossible to to tell her what happened in the office. So I was glad to spend another day away from all of that, another day with Luis. 

I drove all the way to his house. 

I could see people surfing out on the waves, they looked so free. Not a care in the world, I could not relate. 

I knocked on the door and Luis quickly answered. 'Hey you!' He wrapped his arms around my waist and twirled me in. 

'Heyyy.' I smiled. I sat down on the couch, Luis handed me a plate of home cooked pasta. 

'So, tell me again what actually happened?' Luis asked. My body froze, what was he talking about? Wait?! Did he know about Ezra and I? How did he find out?' 

'Um.?' I asked puzzled. 'About what your boss said?' I relaxed my shoulders, super relieved. 

'So, my boss said that he was thinking about giving me a raise. In all fairness I am under eighteen so he can promote me to Assistant manager cause technically I'm not even meant to be working there but he is super glad I have been working harder lately.'

'That's awesome babe. I told you to talk to him. Does Harry still want you to quit?'
'Yeah, he wanted me to work harder at school, but my grades have been going up so hopefully that'll convinced him I'm doing fine.' 

'I'm proud of you baby.' He smirked. 'Oh you're proud? Well thank you.' I leaned in and kissed him, his lips softer and sweeter. 'So, what about you? Sailor going to give you that promotion?'

'Maybe, I can feel it coming. I just gotta finish off with this last job and I will get all the credit I deserve.' He winked. 'I'm happy. So, I still haven't actually told Harry how old you are and he really wants to meet you.'
'That should be an interesting conversation.' 

'I know, I know. I mean he is older than you so it's not that bad right? Like if you were older than him that would be bad. And he'd probably try to kill you.'
'But I'm not.'
'EXACTLY.' I smiled and put the plate down on the coffee table. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. 

'How old does he think I am?' Luis asked. 'I don't know. Eighteen maybe.'
'Yeah, that meetup is gonna suck.'

'Well I get it okay, like he is my big brother. He is supposed to be all protective or whatever. That's how he thinks anyway. He already doesn't like that I'm spending nights here.'
'But I have to remind him I used to actually live on my own once, before he came back into the picture.'

'So he knows you're responsible.' 
'Yeah, but I still feel bad. Like I get it, how would you feel if you had a little sister?'
'Yeah.' I watched Luis ponder for a moment. I could see his brain ticking away. 'Well, I don't have a little sister so I guess I don't care.' 

'That's a fair answer.' 

'You know what he defiantly wouldn't wanna know about?'
'Yeah?' I smirk. Luis hand runs along my thigh, under my shirt. 'All the little spots my fingers can find on your skin.' His voice deep and soft. 'Yeah? So find them?' I tease. 

I lie back on the couch, he takes my shirt off for me. His hands explore everything. I take off my skirt and he takes off my underwear. I pull off his shirt and he undoes his pants. Pulling himself out. 
He moved inside me, slow at first. His arm holding him up above me on the couch. Then he is more rough this time, I moan in pleasure. My hands find his back, holding on as he rocks my body back and forth. 
Harder now and faster still. I moan again. 

'I think I'm going to finish.' I state. 'Not yet.' He tells. He pulls out and moves down, his knees on the ground now. He spreads my legs further apart and started to eat me out, his tongue making all kinds of moves between my thighs. 
Now I really wanna finish. 
I hold his head, god he is so fucking god! 

He moves out and I finish for him. A sexy smile spready across his face. He leans back towards me, kissing me with passion. 

'You're so hot.' I blush. I can feel my cheeks turn red. 'You're fucking sexy.' He replies. 'I think I came in you too.' He winks. 'Really?' 
'Yeah.' I stared at his hot, sweaty chest. 'Round two?' He winks. 

I wake up in his bed, it's still dark outside but I can hear the sound of the shower running. And a phone ringing on the set of drawers across from the bed. 

I stand up, Luis must be cleaning up. I walked over to his phone, I don't know who's calling him? Should I pick up? That would count as invading privacy though right? It's not like he's ever kept anything hidden from me though. 

I go to answer the call but they've already hung up. His screen pops up in his messages. I look through them, I'm not even sure why but then I see something. A name catches me off guard. 

My heart begins to race. I looked to the bathroom door but the shower is still running. 

I grab his phone and click onto a name. Specially Julian. Surely it's not the Julian I am thinking of. 
I know that they did grow up with each other, Luis had admitted to wanting to make things right with them after all these years. 

But when I click on the name I instantly regret it. 

I scroll up a bit and now I want to throw up, my cheeks are hot and not in a good way. My body is shaking, surely this is a joke. Luis had sent photo's to Julian. 

One photo of me asleep in his bed. And another, me still asleep but Luis is holding a gun, towards my head. With the words. 

"No one you love is untouchable. I've touched all of her, guess you weren't man enough little brother." I feel so sick, blood is rushing to my head to quickly. Little brother? What the hell did he mean by that? 
I quickly grab my clothes and start getting dressed, all I know is I don't want to be here anymore. I have to get out. I slip my shoes on and when I look up, Luis is standing there in a towel. 

'You're up?' He asked. His voice sounds more worried than cheerful. 'What the hell is this?' I throw his phone at him. His face becomes stern and serious. 

'You went through my phone?'
'Someone was calling you? You took photos of me, You pointed a gun at my head.' I felt so sick. I was really going to throw up. 

'I can explain.' I didn't want to hear it. 
'I'm leaving. Don't talk to me.' I headed for the bedroom door but he grabbed my arm. Tears started filling at my eyes. 

'Zoie, STAY!' He commanded. 'Get off me, NOW!' I screamed. But he didn't let go. 'What does it mean?'
'What does what mean?'
'Little brother!' I spit at him. Out of no where he starts to smirk. 'You read that huh?'

'What is wrong with you?' I cry. 'The Ramos brothers are my brothers. By blood I am a Ramos! I guess they didn't tell you that either. Technically I did say I grew up with them.' 

'Oh my god, you're sick!' I scream. I push him back and run for the door. 'ZOIE, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW! ZOIE, YOU'RE NOT LEAVING.' I run out of the house as fast as possible and get into my car. 

I start the engine before he's dressed and chasing after me. When I start to drive off I can see him at the front door. 

I press down on the accelerator as hard as I can and speed away. Tears are falling helplessly now, I can't believe it. I can't believe he had lied. I had slept with him many times. I had trusted him, confided in him. 
It all felt gross and wrong now. 

I pulled over and opened my door, throwing my guts up. I couldn't stop, whatever food I had eaten was coming right up now. 

I wanted to get out of here, but mostly I wanted answers. Once and for all, right now. I grabbed my phone when I started driving again, speeding down the highway. 

'Hello?' Julian picked up. 'IS IT TRUE?' I screamed into the phone. 'Zoie what's going on?' 
'IS LUIS YOUR BROTHER?' I cried, I couldn't breath. My chest and throat felt tight. 

'Shit!' He swore. 'I can explain.'
'WHAT?' Julian shouted through the phone. 

'I fucked him over and over again, getting some god, who even knows information out of him for you fucking brothers and this whole time you all knew. That's why you didn't want me asking Taylor about him. That's why you wouldn't tell me anything. Do you know how embarrassing that is?!' 
'Zoie, please. I'm sorry okay. Just come to the warehouse and we'll explain everything?'
'We'll?' I stammered. My foot pressed harder down on the accelerator. I'd probably get a ticket for this but I didn't think I was over speeding, at least not yet. 

'I'm with all my brothers right now.' Julian explained. A laugh forced it's way out of my lips. 'Of course you are! Well I guess I didn't tell you something too.' I yelled at Julian. 

'Ezra kissed me!' I cried and laughed at the same time. 'WHAT? YOU KISSED ZOIE? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!' Julian yelled, probably at Ezra. Now I could hear a lot of yelling on the other side. 

'Zoie, come to the warehouse. Now, please! I promise I'll explain everything. Please, I'm sorry.' 
I looked down at the phone, I'm glad I couldn't see his face right now. It would make everything so much worse. 
'Zoie, please?' Now his voice appeared shaky. 'Zoie?' A horn somewhere in the distance beeped and I looked up. 

'SHIT!' I screamed. I pressed hard on my break, as hard as I possibly could but right in front of me was another car and I had caught up too quick. 

The front of mine hit hard and I blacked out. 

In the middleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin