Chapter 24

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Today was my first day at school, my new school. I was alone. Julian was driving me, I had told him I could take myself but he thought I shouldn't start it alone.
I sat in his car, I always thought I would be a Junior with Hannah.
'You okay?' He asked as we sat in the lot. I nodded, 'Yeah! I'm okay.' I gave him a kiss and got out of the car.
'Want me to pick you up?' He asked. 'Uh sure.' I smiled. 'Bye!' I waved off and he waved back. Before I even made it to the school doors he showed off in front of everyone by speeding off through the lot.

The school layout was completely different. The hallways didn't go left or right, it went straight down and the classrooms were on either side. Also unlike my old school, this one was three or four stories high.
My old school was a boring one-story school that just extended new things around it.
I found the office pretty easy. It was the first room on the left, it was nicer too. Actual seating areas for kids and a marble counter.
'Next.' The lady behind the desk called. 'Hi, it's my first day.'
'Name?' The lady wore a blue full suit and a green tie, it was odd and kind of unpleasing to the eye.
'Zoie Carter.' I spoke.

She made quick types across her keyboard and then spun in the chair, grabbed papers from the printer behind her.
'Here, sign this here and welcome to Park Woods. I am Miss Jones, these are all your classes. What rooms and level they are on.' I signed the paper and she snatched it back. She typed something back into the computer and handed me a small logbook thing.

'Next.' She called. I moved out of the way and stood awkwardly. 'Miss Carter?' I spun around. Another lady in a yellow dress waved at me. 'I am Miss Elegan, I am the counselor. Come on in.'
I followed her into the small office. Everything was white, except for a green plant taking up much of the corner space.
'Welcome to Park Woods, don't worry. I am just giving you an introduction to the school. How is your morning going?'
'Um, not bad I guess.' She nodded in response.
'Wonderful. I have just read your transcript, you did an amazing job at your last school. I noticed you started to fall behind after your best friend passed.'
I felt a lump in my throat.
'I am sorry if I am causing any issues. I just want to say that if you ever need me I am right here.' She smiled sweetly. 'However, I have also read you had minor conflicts with a few male students. I do wish to remind you that if there are any problems to bring them straight to my attention before making personal decisions. Is that a problem?' I shook my head.

'Lovely, well I look forward to seeing you throughout the halls and I hope you have a lovely first day.'

I found my locker, it was on the second level. I pushed my books inside and slammed it shut. 'Hey!' I looked beside me. A girl with straight light black hair and dark blue eyes stared back. She had light black skin and was wearing ripped jeans and a mid-drift. She seemed cool, edgy.
Um, hi.' I smiled awkwardly.
'Do you know a boy called Gabriel Ramos?' She asked. I didn't know how to answer.

'Okay well, I know you do cause I can already tell you're a bad liar BUT, if a cop or someone else every asks you that just says no sorry.' I was totally confused. 'Uhh...'
'I am Elena Blake. An old friend of Gabriel's, I actually met him in New York a few years back. He told me you were moving here and you were dating Julian. Nice catch.'

'Do you talk much?' She asked. 'Sorry yeah, just kinda confused?' She nodded. 'Fair. Gabriel told me your name is Zoelle right?' I shook my head. 'Is that what Gabriel told you?' She nodded and showed me the text.
"Her name is Zoelle Carlton."
'Wow, yeah I am actually not that surprised. It's Zoie Carter.' I corrected. 'Ah-ha, yeah Gabe is funny like that.'
'Hilarious.' I smile. 'So how do you know Gabe again?' I ask. 'Well, I was in Taylors class and I spent a few casuals with Gabe and I worked for Julian.'
'Oh really?' I asked. She nodded. 'Yeah! Can't believe someone actually likes him, that's so funny.' She laughed. I smiled back unsure.
'You worked for him?' She nodded. She grabbed my phone from my hand and added her number. She began texting herself so we technically exchanged digits.

"Yeah, just some casual deliveries." I understood instantly what she meant by the word deliveries. 'Okay so we are totally gonna be friends, hint of advice stay away from Charmain and Cathrine. Twin devils. Also knows as Barbie and more plastic.' Elena joked or maybe didn't joke. I wasn't completely sure.
'OI!' Elena called out to someone. Two boys wandered over. 'This is Ruben and Colton.' Elena introduced. Ruben had an unlit smoke in his mouth. 'Hi.'
'Don't worry, they don't bite.'
'Do they also know Julian and Gabriel?' I asked. Elena nodded.

'Colton is one of Julian's fighters.'
'Really? I never see you at the gym.'
'He owns two gyms, I prefer the one I can win at.' Elena rolled her eyes. Colton has black hair with dark eyes and Ruben has brown hair and the same eyes as Colton but his skin was darker.

'Have you seen Taylor much?' I asked. Elena shook her head. 'Not in a while, she is still at the other place right?' I shrugged.
'I am assuming so.'
'Right anyway, we are here to make your first day less lonely.' Elena hugged me from the side. 'If you want? Or we can get lost.' I smiled. It would be nice having friends on the first day. It wouldn't be the ones I originally picked to have with me heading into Junior year but I did feel less alone.

Plus I guess it was better, these guys already knew everything about Julian and his brother's lifestyle. So I wouldn't have to worry about dragging anyone into unwanted danger.

Hey everyone, first impressions on Elena?
Stay updated cause I have so much more exciting things about to happen in newer chapters!
Thanks so much for your support, I absolutely love it.
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