Chapter 1

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I fumbled out of the club and into the cold air. It hit me like a slap to the face but I let it. The pinch was almost nice.
I seriously couldn't believe my fake ID had worked. It's not like I was that drunk but I had managed to get a few rounds. On my fake ID it said Macy Matthews, age 21. My real ID said Zoie Carter, age 16. Macy Matthews was the name I always used when I needed to be of legal age.

'Are you comingggggg?' I shouted. My girl Hannah was behind me. She was the same age as me.
'Girl I am catching a cab home!' She stated. 'Noooooo! The night is still young and so are we! Walk with me, the fresh air is good.' I tried.
'You live on the other side of town. I'll call you when I get home! You better text me when you get home too!' She ordered.
'Yess mummy!' I lied.

I started down the road. There were people everywhere, hundreds probably thousands. Music was loud in every direction. Damn, I need some quiet.
I wasn't positive which way I was heading but I'd get home sometime. It was only three in the morning.

'I just took a DNA test turns out I'm 100% that bitch. YOOOOOO.' I shouted at the top of my lungs. A couple boys standing beside the road screamed too. 'Yasss!' I yelled walking off.

'Damn girl! You're drunk!' I looked beside me. A man with long messy brown hair was talking. 'No I'm not you're the one spinning!' I joked.
'Do you need some water?' He asked. I kept walking. Music was soo loud.
'I need some quiet.' I said to myself.
'I can help you with that! I know a place that is real quiet and nice.' He said. I stopped mid step.
'Sure, okay...yeah!' I replied. What a nice man, helping me get somewhere quiet.
I followed him down the footpath away from the clubs, music and noise.
'Hey I don't want you to get sore feet, it'd be quicker if we drove there. My cars just around the corner.' He said. I hit him on the shoulder.
'That is sooooo thoughtful of you. You're a gentleman.' He opened the door for me and everything.

I was staring blankly out at the window. We were driving away from the city. 'So where is this place?' I asked.
'Almost there.' He wasn't looking at me at all. His hands tightly gripped on the steering wheel.

After about five or ten minutes the car finally pulled up behind a building and stopped. You could see the lights from the city out the window. 'What is this place?' I asked. 'It's some abandoned warehouse or something! The view from behind it is great though. Whole city and everything!' He said. 'Yeah, it's nice.' I spoke.
'I need some fresh air.' I say. 'I think I'm going to be sick.' I push the door open and run to the front of the car. I lean over to hurl but nothing happens.
'You okay?' He asks.
'Yeah!' I answer. He moves closer as we lean against the hood. 'What's your name?' He asks. 'Uh....I think it's Macy no it's Macy.' I'm just going off my ID. 'That's a pretty name.'
'Thanks, What's yours?'
'You can call me whatever you want sugar!' The mood changed around us. 'Hahaha, smooth. What's your actual name?'
'How about if you kiss me I'll tell you.'
'I told you mine!'
'True.' He moves closer his arm around my waist now. His breath on my neck and his other hand on my chest.

It happened so quick I didn't even notice. 'Woah! You can't just do that!'
'Why not?' He says before starting to slowly kiss my neck. 'Tell me you don't like it?'
'I don't like it!'
'You don't mean that baby.' His hand finds its way up my shirt. 'Yo! I said I don't like it.' Everything is moving too fast and time is going too slow all in one moment.
He pushes me away from the car and against the cold brick of the warehouse. 'Get off me dude!' This whole situation is sobering me up real quick.
'You got into my car remember?' He says.

I push his hand out from under my shirt. 'If you don't get off me I'll knee you in the.... HEY!' I yell as I feel him touching my thighs.
'Don't be a tease I know you like it. Does it turn you on saying stop?'
'Get off me you sicko!' I curl my hand into a fist and punch him in the face. 'You BITCH!' He yells. He pulls something from his pocket. 'Holy shit.' I start running around the building. This dude has a knife, had he always planned on using it?
There is a wire fence blocking the edge of the hill behind the building. I feel so sick, my stomach is in so many knots. 'Come back here.' He yells. Tears are starting to prick at my eyes. There is a green dumpster and a small ramp with a door. I dive to the ground beside the dumpster. The door is too far, he shouldn't be able to see me anyway it's so dark out here.

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