Chapter 63

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News about the bomb going off at the storage yard had been all over the news. It had killed thirteen people. That was thirteen less people Da'Von had on his side.
Surely he'd remake those numbers.

Ezekiel and Ezra must be so proud. I still couldn't believe it. Would I have gone through with delivering those boxes if I knew what was in them.
I in turn was the cause for thirteen deaths. It made me feel sick to my stomach, most of those men probably had families. Children that they promised they'd come home to.
But they didn't go home.

I had barely slept for days after I watched the news cover it. Police were linking it to tons of theory's. Terrorism, gang violence. But it wasn't those. Mob business, two rival mafias trying to end one another.
It all made my head hurt. But in the last few days there had been no instructions from Ezra. Everything seemed so quiet. It was almost unsettling. Like something even bigger was being planned.
I was sitting of the couch, Harry was cooking something in the kitchen and Reggie was over. Eating out all the food in our fridge.
'So, if I order new parts. They'll be here within the week and I can finally finish that remodel.' Reggie was going on about some car he had brought. They guy was buying a new piece of scrap metal every week.

'Gonna cost ya what?' Harry asked.
'Maybe two grand.' I spun around on the spot. 'Two grand for car parts?' I asked. That was expensive, wasn't it?

'Yeah, they aren't common parts.' Reggie explained. Shoving left-over pasta into his face. 'Where you getting them from?'
'I'll find some online, others i'll have to find a dealer for.'
'There is a dealer for car parts?'
'There is a dealer for everything.' Harry commented. My phone buzzed on the coffee table. It was from Taylor. She was in trouble with the twins for something and needed to get out of the house.

I stood up and grabbed my jacket from by the door.

'Where you going?' Harry asked.
'Meeting up with Taylor.'
'Ohhhhh.' Reggie joked. 'Yeah, no!' I mentioned. I slipped my shoes on and waved good-bye.

I loved driving my new car, it sounded so much better than my old one and ran smoother too. I was so grateful to Harry.
I raced down the streets, I have felt so cool ever since I raced in Maria's car down the streets. Now I looked back, it was an adrenaline rush with the police and Luis chasing us.
But I wouldn't want to bump into Luis again, especially when i'm not in a car.

The whole time I was with him he had completely lied to me. Played me just to get closer to his brothers. In the beginning I had been around him to get intel for the Ramos brothers but the whole time he had used me to piss them all off.
I still couldn't believe I was just a pawn in his twisted, manipulative game. I had trusted him, opened myself up to him.
And in the end I had been so stupid and angry and confused it had almost killed me. And it could have killed the people in the other car too.
But I had to move on, move passed it. It I ever saw him again i'd kill him though. Most of me just wanted to see him suffer. He deserved the pain.

I accidently ran through a red light, hopefully there were no cameras or police about. I turned sharply around the corner and pulled into a car park.

I got out and walked over to a snack bar where Taylor was standing alone, drinking soft drink.

'Hey!' I approached. 'I am just so sick of them you know?' She quickly began. 'What happened?'
'I made a joke but it wasn't a joke but it was a joke. Not really! Anyway, I mentioned to Ezra and Ezekiel and Kaden that maybe I could start doing stuff for them as well since you know, you're doing stuff and you're so good at it.'

'Oh, i'm guessing that didn't go well.'
'They said that if I brought it up again they would just kill me to save time.' She rolled her eyes. 'Did you tell them you were joking?'
She sat down at the small table outside. Sighing heavily.
'Truth is Zo, I wasn't actually joking.' I sat down across from her.

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