Chapter 14

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I heard talking coming from outside the office door. The room was dark, I had like four blankets over me and it was still cold.
I could only see a crack of light coming from under the door.
My phone was charging beside me on the small table, I clicked it on and the screen blinded me. It was 7:02am. I pushed the covers off me and stood up.

My arm was really starting to hurt. I ran my finger alone the stitches. I was scared to go out there, who was talking? I was even more scared I knew who it'd be.
What if I saw Julians face? Or Taylors? I didn't even want to see the twins right now.
I knew I'd have to come out someday. I brushed my hair down and opened the door slightly.

Sure enough I was right. Gabriel's face was the first I saw. He looked right at me, he cleared his throat loudly and everyone glared over. I couldn't stand their eyes. I searched the room but Taylor wasn't with them.
Then I saw Julian, his eyes empty. His face emotionless. He didn't say anything, he didn't even move.
I stared back, empty. I could see his jaw tense and he grabbed a glass off the bar counter. He sculled it down and but still didn't move.

I wasn't sure what to do, it felt like taking one single step might cause a bomb to go off.
'You okay?' The first person to speak was Ezra, he was talking to me. It was one of the last people I had expected. I just nodded, 'Okay, well I'm leaving.' Ezekiel said. He grabbed the collar of Gabriel's shirt and pushed him towards the door. Ezra following and then Kaden.

It was just Julian and I. He still hadn't moved towards me, not saying a thing. He poured another glass and swallowed that too.
I made first move. Walking over towards the bar.
He poured two more glasses. He pushed one towards me and drunk the other.
'Where were you?' I asked. He didn't answer right away.
'Out of town, business.' He seemed defensive. 'I got shot.'
'So I heard.' He replied. He wasn't looking at me at all.
'So that's it? You lied to me and now I'm the one in trouble?'
'You left me on read, remember? Jesus, I sound like a fucking teenager.'
'You lied!'
'I.....' he stopped himself short. He filled another glass and poured it down.

'When I got shot the only person I wanted was you but you weren't there! You got me into this mess!' I argued. I was standing in front of him now.
'How? How did I do that?'
'You just did!'
'Right, okay. Makes plenty sense.'
'Why not?!'
'What are you even talking about?'
'I don't know!' I cried. My arm was still hurting bad.

I walked over and sat on the couch. He poured another glass and joined me drinking down the one he passed to me.
'I'm sorry.' He spoke. 'I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry about Veronica. I'm sorry about you getting involved and getting shot at.'
I looked into his eyes. They were warmer than before.
'Kaden texted us last night, told us you were here. Told us what happened. I got so mad, so fucking mad that I wanted to kill this guy.' I was slightly shaking.

I had kinda figured out what happened to that guy the first night. He was probably dead and it chilled me, I was apart of someone dying and I hated it. I wasn't like Julian or his brothers.
It made me wonder if Taylor had ever killed someone. Though she said her brothers tried to keep her out of it.

'I lied about Veronica and my family but nothing else.' He spoke. I wanted to believe him. I was scared though. I know Kaden said some wise shit about no one being able to scare me at all, but I was.
He reached for my hand but I jumped back. My body shaking. He was searching my eyes again. Looking for an answer I didn't have.
What can I do to make it better? I'm sorry.' He told. It seemed so easy to believe him. To just go back to where we were, but we weren't there. Not right now.

'I don't know.' I said. I didn't know. What was I mean to say? Sure why not? Take two? It didn't make sense. I begged for some sense.

I stood up. 'I should probably go.'
'Why did you come last night?' I could sense that familiar barrier he was setting up. 'I don't know.'
'Do you know anything?' He faltered.
'Apparently not.'

In the middleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora