Chapter 57

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Luis lived out of town, not too far off from the café we went to. His small house looked out onto the beach as well. 
I walked down the coble path and to his faded blue front door. It was defiantly a beach house, it gave me much more comfort. 
I took a deep breath in and knocked on his door. Cars passed by lazily and waves crashed against sand and rocks. 

It was so peaceful here. 

The door opened and there stood Luis, a wide smile spread across his face. 

'Hey!' He said chirpily. 'Come in.' I walked in. It smelt like incense and honey. Warm and inviting. 

'How has your day been? Other than school of course!' He asked. I took a seat beside him on the leather couch. 
'Alright, not much too it. You?'
'Yeah same, just been lazing around here doing nothing.' He laughed. 'I'm really glad you texted me again.'

'You know I really enjoyed our date.' So it was a date. Good to know. 

'Me too, you're nicer than more guys I know.' 
'You must know some bad guys.'
'Are you saying you're not that nice?' I smiled. He paused for a moment. 'I don't know what I'm saying. I'd like to think I'm a nice guy.' 

'If it makes you feel any better you have my vote of confidence.' 
'I'm glad, that does make me feel better. You hungry?' He stood up and walked into the kitchen, so I quickly followed him. 'Little.' 

'I know this great dish called Albondigas. My Aunty used to make it for me all the time when I was a kid. She drizzles the meatballs in Almond Sauce.'
'I didn't even know Almond had a sauce.' I joke. He takes some things out of the fridge and starts cooking. I love watching him, cutting things up and frying things. He adds the meat balls to the stove. 

'So, you're a chef? That's always good to know.'
'I just like to cook, it brings me peace you know?' He seems so calm and happy while he's working. 'I don't really know unfortunately. I cannot cook to save my life.' He chuckles over the stove. 

'I guess I'll just have to teach you.' He extends his arm, I walk around the counter and join him. He stands close behind me, my hand on the end of the knife. 
So, when you chop things you want to make them fine.' He explains, he moves my hand up and down. Showing me the correct way of doing it. 

'Perfecto, just like that.' He admires. I move to the side and watch him put something in the pan.
'So was it just your Aunty that taught you to cook? Or you parents?' I see his shoulders tense when I mention his parents. 
Now I wish I hadn't said anything at all. 

'My parents died years ago.' He shares, now I feel even worse. 'I'm so sorry.'
'It's not your fault.' He assures. But that doesn't make me feel much better. 'My parents are gone too.' He stops and turns to look at me. 

'Really? Now I am the sorry one.' He insists. I sit back down and watch him cook again. 

After a while he serves out the food, it smells incredible. 'Thanks.' I say, pulling a plate closer. I take a bite, I can taste the juice and all the flavours coming together. 
'It's really good!' It really is, I am so glad I skipped school. 

This day is turning out better than I could have imagined. 

After eating we sit down on the couch and watch a movie, his body is close to mine. I can smell his perfume, it's strong but in a really good way. 
I can feel his hand on my hand. 

'So, do you have any brothers or sisters?' I ask, turning to face him. 'No, I am an only child.' He answers. 'You?'
'I have an older brother.'

'That must have been nice having a sibling around growing up.' I breath an awkward sigh. 'Or not?'
'He wasn't really around when I was growing up, he's ten years older than me and he moved away when I was younger. But he only just moved back.'

'Oh, I'm sorry. That's good he's back now though.. You can learn to get close again.'
'Yeah, we can.'

'So where did you live before moving back here?' 
'I lived in Mexico for the most part. Lived in Rio for a year, that was nice. The people are amazing and the food is great. But just before I moved back here I lived in Miami.' 

'Oh really? I heard it's nice over there.'
'It has some good part. Have you always lived in LA?'
'Yeah, born and raised. I haven't travelled anywhere else either. Which is crazy to me.'

'Why is that crazy?'
'My mum was a flight attendant. She travelled all over the world, she got to experience so much.' He rubbed my hand gently, his fingers warm and soft. 

'You'll get to see it all someday, I'm sure of it.' 
'You're sure of it?' I smiled. He nodded. 'Yeah! I am.' We sat silent for a moment just staring at each other. Damn, he was hot. 

'I'm glad I went to the bar that night! You were every bit worth meeting.' He sweet talked. 

I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to kiss him and not stop. I leaned in and our faces mashed together. His hands moved along my skin and under my shirt. My hands found his hard chest and moved along his back. 

He picked me up, my lags around his waist. We kept kissing, two sets of warm soft lips connecting. My body was tingling but in a good way. He carried me through to the bedroom. 
I fell back onto the bed and now he was on top of me. 

I threw my shirt off and he did the same. He moved so his chest was against mine, his fingers moving in my hair. Our lips met again, it was fast paced and hot. Just two people expressing a desire. 
I took off my pants and kicked off my shoes, he pulled his pants off.

Then he was inside me, pushing harder and moving faster. I moaned loudly, his hands on my bare chest. Rough but I didn't want to stop at all. 
Every time he pushed in I moaned, my heart beating a million times too fast. Passion drove us more. 
My fingers clawed at his back as I could feel him inside me. Sweat started to form across our skin. 

We rolled over together so I was ontop. I moved my hips around and I could see his pleasure spready across his face, I leaned down and kissed him. My palms pressing against his chest again. 

'You're so good.' He smirked. 'Yeah? Well you know what you're doing too!' I sighed. Again I rolled onto my back, his body moving fast and rough once more. 

He leaned down, his fingers in my hair again. 'I'm going to cum for you!' His smile breathed against my ear. I didn't even think about what he said. 

'You have to pull out!' I sighed. I felt him pulling out, I wasn't sure if he had cum inside me or not. SHIT, maybe I'd have to take an after pill or something. He lay beside me. Our breaths heavy and in sync. 
That was so good. I tried to relax my racing pulse. I looked over at him. He was staring right at me, smiling. 

'Stay the night.' He coaxed. That sounded like a good idea, I didn't want to leave right now anyway. I liked him a lot and again, that sex was so good. 

I don't remember when I feel asleep after watching the rest of the movie with Luis but I was back in his bed. He wasn't here but I could smell bacon cooking in the kitchen. I felt like I had had bacon a lot recently but I still devoured the smell. 

When I walked in, he was in his pants cooking. His insanely hot body was the only thing I could concentrate on. 
'Morning!' He spoke when I entered the room. He put some eggs and bacon on a plate and moved it towards me. 

'Thanks!' I smiled. He sat across the table from me, filling his mouth. 'So what's your plans for the day?'
'I have to go to school, unfortunately.' 
'Damn, I really do not miss that. You can't skip?'
'I wish! I promised some people I would go more often though. Maybe we could hang out after?' 

'Yeah, that sounds really nice!' I wish I didn't have to go to school. I'd spend all day with him if I could. I checked my phone, I had two two missed calls from Ezra. Shit! 

Well if he was mad at me before he was going to be even more mad now. 

'I have to go, I'm so sorry.' I quickly walked back into the room and got dressed again. 

'I'll text you later okay?' He spoke. He met me at the door and gave me a embracing kiss. Now I really didn't wanna leave. 

'Yeah.' I waved him off. 

I had told Ezra I'd meet him at the second warehouse, I had only been there twice but it was nicer than the one I usually knew of. 

When I pulled up there was a bunch of cars parked around. I walked into the building, people were scattered everywhere, putting things into crates and loading them into two trucks. 

'What's going on?' I found Kaden near the back. 'Uh, we are sending stuff off. Trading.' He shared. 'You look messy. Where have you been all night?' He questioned. I thought back to Luis' body on mine. 

'Just out with a friend.'
'Yeah? Well Ezra has been looking for you for a while, he's in the office out the back.' I walked down the small hall and knocked on the office door. It opened quickly, Ezekiel's face staring grumpily back. 
I wont lie, I was kind of scared when I saw his face. He didn't exactly look pleased to see me. He nodded to come inside. 

Johnson was sitting on the brown leather couch. 'Where the hell have you been?'

Ezra stammered. 'I'm sorry, I had my phone off.' I lied. I just hadn't been listening out for it. 

'How is collecting intel going with Luis?' He asked. 'Um yeah, alright I guess.'
'Learnt anything new?' 

'Um, well he told me he works for a mechanic on Michigan rd. For a guy called Sailor.' I shared. I had gotten Luis to open up a little more while watching the rest of the movie. I felt bad for lying to him. I was starting to really care about Luis and he was a really lovely guy. 

Plus a great cook. 
Plus great in bed. 

'Anything else?'

'He lived in Mexico mostly, but lived in Rio for a year and he just moved here from Miami.'
'Miami? What was he doing in Miami?' Johnson asked. 'I don't know, living I guess.'

'That's all you could find out?' Ezra asked. 'Yeah, I can't exactly sit him down and full on interrogate him. Plus you haven't even told me anything about him or why I am getting intel on him.' 

I took a step away from Ezekiel before he had the chance to grab my arm again or punch me in the face this time. 

'Which! I get it, you have your reasons and I just do as you say but he doesn't really say a whole lot about his life, even when I do ask.' I explain. The guys just nodded. 

'Okay, well. We apricate it okay.' Ezra seemed calmer than I had ever seen him before. He leaned against the desk. 'I got to go, I have to talk to Julian.' Ezekiel said before abruptly leaving the room. 
Johnson followed quickly after, giving me devil eyes before he left. The curtain was drawn so I couldn't see back into the warehouse. 

The door was closed behind them, leaving just Ezra and I alone in the office. I was waiting for him to scream at me. He had said he wanted to talk, or was that the talk?

'Here.' He picked up a little white bottle off the desk and outstretched it to me. 

'What's this for?' 

'Your arm.' I walked towards him and grabbed the bottle, inside was some cream. 'It helps with bruises.' He explained. 

'Thanks.' I rolled my sleeve up and put some on it. The hand shaped bruise was purple now, it still hurt but only when I touched it. 
'Ezekiel was just stressed.' Ezra mentioned. 

I looked at him, his eyes weren't meeting mine. 'I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have spoke to him like that. I work for you guys.' I say sheepishly. 

I had never stood quite well with the twins. They had hated me at the start, I knew that well and it wasn't doubted that Ezekiel still hated me now. I had heard clear as day what he had said. 

'Still, he shouldn't have done that to you.' He sighed and went back to leaning on the desk. 'Nothing that hasn't been done to me before.' In joke. 

Ezra didn't respond. He was looking at me now, I recognised that look. It was one Julian had given me once before. Confused. 
'So, is there anything else I can do for you? Steal another car? Kill someone?' I ask with a chuckle. Though I'd really rather not have to kill anyone else. 

With not a single warning at all Ezra leaned in and kissed me. My brain had officially stopped working. I stood there fazed for a few seconds but quickly moved away. My hands on his chest to push him away. 

'I....I can't do that. You can't do that.' I somehow managed to squirm out. 

'I'm sorry.' He stood back he was avoiding looking at me now. 'I should go.' I say. 'Yeah, yeah that's a good idea.' I quickly turned on my heel and paced out of the door. Closing it tightly behind me I stood frozen for a moment in shock. 

What the fuck had just happened? My brain was racing, truthfully I just wanted to get the hell out of here. 

I walked quickly through the warehouse but someone stopped me in my tracks. I looked up, Julian was staring back. 

Jesus Christ, not right now. 

'Hey, I wanted to see how your arm was going?' He asked genuinely. 'Uh yeah, no yeah good.' I scrambled. 'You okay?' I met his eyes but I had to look away. I couldn't stare into them, not right now. Not right after his brother had kissed me. 

His brother kissed me. 
EZRA KISSED ME. Oh my god, what the hell was going on? 

'Sorry, I just have to go.'
'What happened?' He asked, I could feel his concern. It was real. It took me back to those days when we were together. 'I just have to go, I'm sorry.' I quickly ran back to my car. 

I sat still for what seemed like a lifetime, I couldn't even turn on the engine. My brain had to process what the fuck just happened. 

What the fuck did just happen?' 


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