Chapter 4

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More music poured out from every room. I was probably definitely drunk, AGAIN! I wasn't sure what to do about the whole drug situation.
My head was slightly pounding and I needed a second to catch my breath but I didn't want to go back outside in the cold.
At least Hannah had sort of warmed up to Taylor, even if it was cause she was drunk. The girls were in the living room dancing.

I climbed up the stairs. There was barely anyone up here. Two couples were leanings against the wall making out but other than that, no one.
I needed a second, I walked towards a door. All the doors looked the same and but I was pretty sure this was Taylor's.
I pushed the door open and quickly shut it, leaning against the door and sighing with my eyes closed.
'Can I help you?'
I opened my eyes and looked around. There was no posters or photos on the walls, a double bed with black and blue sheets. Everything was dark and brown and not how I remembered Taylor's room. Biggest difference was Julian sitting in the corner on a chair with a controller in his lap.
'Oh uh hey! Sorry got lost.' I slurred.
I stood admiring the room. You could see the backyard and kids playing in the pool. 'Well?'
'Oh sorry.' I was about to walk out but I stopped.
'Why did you help me that other night? Like why did you help me especially so much? You could have just pulled him off and left?! You could have just left!' I had to ask. Julian pulled a set of headphones off his ears and sighed.

'I don't know! Just cause I did okay.'
'Why don't you like me?'
'What?' He looked tired, dark circles under his eyes. 'Why don't you like me?' I repeated. 'I don't know you!'
'That doesn't mean you have to dislike me!'
'I don't dislike nor like you.' He answered.
'Oh!' I replied. I could tell he was getting tired of this conversation. 'You gonna leave?'
'Why aren't you downstairs?'
'Cause I don't wanna be!'
'Fair.' We both stayed in awkward silence for a moment before he stood up and walked towards me.
'You're hot I'll be honest!' I don't really remember thinking it, it kind of just came out.
'Thanks?!' He noted.
'Do you believe in miracles?'
'Sorry, it's a song.' I joked. Then I randomly started laughing hard. 'Why is it every-time I see you, you're drunk?!'
'Maybe because that is the way...' I trailed off forgetting what I was saying.
'Please get out!' He asked. 'Awwww you're such a gentleman! Woah, deja vu!' I shook my head.
'Get out!'
'Okay sexy man! You know if you didn't think you needed to be such a mucho man, you'd be pretty cool to be around.'
'Wow thanks! I'll take that heavily into consideration.' He said, sarcasm dripping from his words.
I gave him a salute and left, walking back into the hall of make outs.

'Heyyyyy! Karlos!' I smiled. Karlos Milkavitch was my first kiss. After I kissed him I didn't kiss another boy for four years. Though through all the years and his rep as quarter back he had practiced. 'Hey! Zoie right?'
RUDE! 'Yeah!'
'You're looking fine tonight.'
'Thanks, not bad yourself.' Karlos moved away from his two mates and towards me. 'So? Here with anyone?'
'No one special, oh I mean Hannah and Taylor but that's all.'
'Right, right! The new rich girl that threw this party. You know the back to school party is my thing?!'
'Yeah but this is so much better than yours. And I mean yours suck! I hate going to those things, Hannah drags me to them but yeah!'
'Wow honest tonight aren't we?!'
'Everyone knows they suck they just won't tell you!'
'Yeah and why is that?'
'Cause your popular duh?!'
'Yeah so why are you?' I could see anger forming between Karlos's brows. He was mad and it slightly edged me on.
'Cause I don't know. Plus you're a lousy kisser.'
'Ohhhhhhhh.' The kids in the hall edged on, moving closer towards us. They had clearly been ears dropping.
I had struck a nerve and it felt good! I was full of energy, adrenaline.
'Is that so?'
'Yeah! And I have a question! Are you gay? Though my mum thinks you're not gay you're just on the spectrum! And I know they are two completely different, normal things but we just wanna know. Hahaha!' His face was red and everyone was laughing. More kids had come upstairs and people were live streaming the

'You're honest when you're drunk!' Karlos said.
'At least I'm not ugly!' I hadn't meant it towards him. I was just stating a fact, but it wasn't taken that way by anyone.
'But word goes around that you are a slut!' Karlos had said it close to my ear but loud enough others could hear it!
I pushed Karlos back hard, slightly elbowing him in the stomach. 'You're a bitch!' For a second it looked like he would hit me and then out of nowhere Julian appeared, his hand grasped tightly around Karlos wrist which was above my head.
'Try it, I dare you!' Julian yelled. Kids had gone silent around us. Karlos eyed Julian up but stepped back whilst I stood my ground.
'She's not worth it!' Karlos turned slightly and smirked back at me. 'Too easy!' He joked. I lunged forward but Julian caught my arm and pulled me back.

By now there were at least 20 kids standing in the landing, hall and on the stairs watching. They slowly dispersed after Karlos walked off. Hannah and Taylor standing at the stairs gazing in on the scene.
I hadn't meant to start a fight with Karlos but now I was mad! I wanted to punch him in the face. He deserved that, then again! Maybe I was too harsh. His lame parties didn't in fact stop people from showing up. Than again it was the only party around that had free booze. Now Taylor was here and she would probably be voted party Queen.

I stood in the hall, Taylor and Hannah still a few meters away. I tugged my arm but Julian kept ahold. 'Why did you do that?'
'Cause a fight!'
'I didn't mean to.' I insisted. I tugged my arm again but he had a tight grip. 'Julian! Don't hurt her, please.' Taylor begged. He kept his focus on me. I pulled back a third time and finally he let go, he walked back into his room locking the rest of the world out.

I woke up to the sound of nothing! No loud music, no screaming teens or anything else. I sat up and rubbed my hair down. Hannah was asleep on one side and Taylor on the other.
I stood up and walked into her bathroom. It was a big size. Bigger than the only one in my house.

It had two sinks, a toilet and a shower slash bath.
I washed my face. I had round dark circles under my eyes. I slipped on the jeans I wore to school yesterday and the same yellow shirt that had the band Ant Bites on it. I didn't even know who they were but it was an old shirt that was really comfy and fit me well.
I walked out and down stairs. As I got to the living room I remembered it was Taylor's house and I didn't know who was home.
I stayed still in the same spot for like five minutes before I saw Taylor walk past me, she was still in her PJ's and her hair messy.
My heart settled and I followed her through to the kitchen.

'Morning! Wow, what bus hit you?' Someone said to Taylor. I looked at the boys neck, it was Ezekiel. 'And you're also here!'
'What's for breakfast?' I spun my head to see Hannah marching in like a soldier. Her hair cleaned and in a bun, her face washed and clean and wearing new clothes. 'How the fuck?' I mumbled to myself. 'Great, another friend!' Ezekiel stated. 'Feeling a little jealous are we?' Hannah asked Ezekiel.
She was so much braver than me, I was scared to talk to these guys and she half insults them. Ezekiel gave a fake smile which somehow turned into a soft real one.
'Make your own.'
'I have a meeting with Ezra at the warehouse, call if you need!' Ezekiel said turning to Taylor. There was a edgy pause in that sentence but it was too early to think on it.

It made moments of last night come back to me, mostly that I swear I had seen Gabriel and Julian dealing drugs to high schoolers. I still wasn't sure if I should say something to Taylor or not! It wasn't any of my business and I still wasn't sure if any of her brothers even liked me and I didn't want to rock any boats.
I still can't believe you got into a fight with Karlos Milkavitch last night!' Hannah spoke turning to me. 'What?!' I asked confused.
'You don't remember?'
'You called him a bad kisser and a loser and a gay and said he might be retarted!' Hannah explained slightly laughing.
'I don't think you can use that word!' Taylor gently and quietly said.
'I did that?' I don't really remember that at all. 'Julian saved your ass from Karlos hitting you!' Hannah went on.

'I looked down at my wrist. It was slowly coming back to me, I mostly remembered someone holding my arm tightly. There was a light hand mark wrapped around my mid arm. 'Are you okay?' Taylor asked. I didn't answer. Well now I was sure I had rocked some boats and not in a good way. 'Julian didn't mean to hurt you!' Taylor went on. 'What? No it's fine! I'm fine.' I shook the thought from my head. 'I need coffee.'

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